Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Democracy is made out of cookie dough?

According to Bush, Iraq's new democracy is really made out of cookie dough and he is the cookie cutter! Our dictator feels the need to tell the Iraqi people that he doesn't approve of their choice of prime ministers. Oh really!! Wow, apparently the voice of the people in Iraq has fallen on deaf ears again. I never approved of this war in Iraq right from the get go, but now that Bush has taken us there and is demanding a democracy, he needs to shut his mouth, sit back, and let the Iraqi people be heard. If the Iraqi people wanted Americans running the show, they sure as hell wouldn't have put the Iranian Muslim Clerics in charge! But this is what happens when people of the Middle East lives are invaded by right wing whacked out Christians in America......they revolt. They've shut up. Bush started this war and he is to blame for everything that happens there. Case closed. Demanding the Iraqis to change their vote after the fact is not......democracy. Believe me, if Americans could have an outside country demand that Bush step down to be replaced with an intelligent, common sense democrat....I would love it, but that is not what a democracy is. Democracy isn't made out of cookie dough. It can't be shaped by one person because by doing so is a dictatorship. The voice of the people is the cookie cutter....and Bush is not.

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