Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Scalia needs to be hit with a Bible

I know this story is old news because it is a couple of days old, but it still bothers me that high officials are acting like high schoolers. Scalia, who is one of the right wingers on our US Supreme Court, left mass on Sunday only to give a 'Sicilian gesture' to a reporter who questioned him on whether or not his Catholicism was ever questioned by people because he is on the Court. Instead of taking the time to maturely answer the question, he decided to flip the reporter off to show what he tells people who question his religious beliefs. There is a pattern in this Administration that is unprofessional. I do understand that Scalia was on the Supreme Court when Clinton was president, but it seems that once Bush was granted the presidency in 2000, there are many under him who feel that no rules apply to them anymore and it bothers me! The nation was concerned under Clinton that his sexual behavior was teaching our children immoral behavior but now look what we're dealing with. I can't stand it. It's a complete disregard of how people in high places are supposed to act, it's unprofessional, and it's sophmoric!

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