Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Have we had enough?

Bush is head of the most corrupt, incompetent, lying, deceitful, pack of thieves our country has ever witnessed. If he and the rest of the Republican Mafia had had a plan in the beginning, there would not be a civil war in Iraq, but they didn't have one. The only plan they had was to lie to the American people for their reason to go in, to forge documents to back up their lie, and to get into Iraq at any cost so their corporate whores could receive their corporate welfare checks for years on end. The corporate whores have overcharged our government and they have drained our treasury. That was the plan though. Yup, get the boots on the ground, head straight to the center of the country (Baghdad) to purposely make it difficult to get out. War is a rackett, agree? Wealthy men using our soldiers to help them steal our money and the money of the Iraqis. Money, greed, and power is the name of the game with these folks. Do they care about our soldiers? Are you kidding!!!! First, they rubber stamped their death certificates and now we are finding out that a good many of them are coming home as cargo on commercial airlines! Those that come home with their hearts still beating are being charged for their body armour, charged for their injuries while on the battlefield, and in some cases, charged for the damage to the humvee they were in because the truck went off the road and wasn't damaged because of fighting this illegal, financial transaction of a war! Does that sound like this Admin is grateful for them for helping them line the pockets of their corrupt friends? It doesn't to me. Now Bush is thinking about dropping nuclear bombs on Iran, why? Oil. They have lots there. Will dropping a bomb on Iran make the Iranians love us and will the Muslims across the Middle East jump for joy and then say, "We want to be Americans! Yeah for the nuclear bomb!". Nope. When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, the Japanese did not surrender but I can assure you they were thinking, "We will never forget". Only when the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped did they surrender! The world is watching what Bush and his Warpigs are going to do and I can guarantee you the world will not forget! If the Iranians don't surrender and we have to put boots on the ground they'll be exposed to radiation. But hey, to Bush and his Republican Mafia, that's okay, because THEY'RE NOT BEING EXPOSED TO IT so what's the big deal they'll say. I'm voting for the democrat candidate in 2006 because we need REAL LEADERSHIP. These guys hate us and feel that they are working against us and not for us. Have you had enough? I have.

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