Sunday, April 30, 2006


Hey, why not? Let's sell more stuff to Dubai

Okay, we now know that Rush Limbaugh pretty much weaseled his way out of his drug charge, but now we're finding out that The Weasels in the White House are still weasling at the expense of the American people's safety! Apparently, for America to be safe, it still makes sense to the Bush Warpigs to put the Dubai Arabs (the financier of the 9/11 attack) in charge of making some of our military equipment! Yup, that's right....Americans don't know how to make our own military equipment, so we'll just put the enemy in charge of it and take their $1.2 billion dollar check!!!!!!!!!! Outrageous!!! Of course, Scott McClellan 'reassured' the public that all the necessary steps were taken to make sure that Americans will not be harmed by this purchase.
Uh huh. I've heard that before.

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