Sunday, April 02, 2006
I hear you loud and clear Cindy!
If after reading Cindy Sheehan's remembrance letter to her son linked above, you aren't tearful or crying, then you are not able to feel compassion towards yourself and other human beings. Only a mother understands how it feels or how it would feel to lose a child. Only a mother remembers the smell of her child, the way her child's skin feels, understands the little person inside her child, and knows in an instant how her child is feeling whether it is happiness or sadness. Only a mother would remember her child's voice and never forget it. Cindy Sheehan is in pain....emotional pain. As a mother myself, I can feel her anguish and as I read her words I wished I could just embrace her and tell her that it's going to be alright. I wish I could. I'm sure there are times when she would just love to run down the street, crying with her arms outreached in front of her, and screaming as she went to vent her frustrations and to scream to her God to make it better. We all go about our lives while Cindy is in pain over Casey. I almost feel guilty about it because I have my twelve year old son to hug and to hold everyday and every night, but Cindy does not. I feel her outrage, her anguish, and her pain and agree with everything she says about this war and future wars. I want her to know that her words are not falling on deaf ears...well...they're not falling on true compassionate American ears. The deaf ears are in Washington though, aren't they? Bush and his Warpigs are flitting around our nation and the globe and acting like everyone is wrong except for them and acting like they can't understand why no one listens their ideologies. Well, no one is listening to them because they're liars. I don't know anyone that would continue to believe liars in their own personal lives or would want to continue to be around them anymore! No one is listening to them because they chose war and faked the evidence to start a war. No one is listening to them because they're greedy sons of bitches. No one is listening to them except for the dye-in-the-wool idiots who think the enemy is anyone that doesn't agree with their Master's plan. Cindy is done listening to them and all she wants is an answer to one question: What noble cause did her son die for? If this question didn't have a sinister answer, it would have been answered by Bush and his Warpigs the minute she asked it. We all know why Bush and his Warpigs haven't answered it and will never answer it. We all know. I hope they all rot in hell and I hope they don't forget Cindy's voice at the end of their lives. I know I won't. I hope they're haunted by it.
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