Sunday, April 02, 2006


Is the band leader going to be fired? Who knows.

Rumor has it that Scott McClellan could be Bush's second 'shake up' victim and Josh Bolten is the one who will do it. the 'Titanic' is sinking it makes sense to rearrange the deck chairs (said by Chuck Schumer recently) by first hiring Josh Bolten, who has pictures of Bush's hands all over his office to replace another crony, and secondly, by firing McClellan who would have basically been the band leader on the ship who was playing the last song instructed by the Captain. Okay, I'm getting this sneaking suspicion that Josh Bolten will next fire the cooks who work for Bush. Oh yeah, that ought to teach his people to not be so corrupt and criminal and will definately get his Christian base yelling "Hallelujah"!!!!! They really think we're that stupid don't they? If Bush resigned today, all Americans would come out of their homes and cheer! Even republicans would do that because for the last 6 years they've had to continually stand up for the most criminal, treasonist, Administration ever in the history of our nation! They would be relieved if Bush and his cronies resigned and left the country. I know I would. Firing McClellan is firing the person who is just passing on the lies of the Admin. Firing the Admin is the answer!! The problem is, the guy who has pictures of Bush's hands all over his office, would never do that. Dammit.

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