Thursday, April 20, 2006


The Liar might be picking another Liar

Rumors are circling all over the place that Tony Snow of Fox News might be the person Bush will pick to replace Scott McClellan. I find it strange that Bush would even pick someone from the media to be his voice, because if you think about it, how would the neocons have felt if Clinton chose Dan Rather back in the 1990's to be his voice? There would have been outrage! Picking Tony Snow is no different than choosing Rush Limbaugh (whom I lovingly refer to as Ass Limbo) to be the spokesperson for the pharmacutical companies for God's sake!!
Let's hope the White House Press Corp doesn't cowar to Tony if he is picked. Tony is the 'spinner extraordinaire' for the Bush Warpigs and he won't change if he is standing befind the podium. Now should be the time for the Press to bring the hammer down!!!

Yes they are Bill! Nothing but a bunch of liars. Randi Rhodes of Air America Radio pointed out today that when Scott McClellan would speak we would know where he stood on the issue: THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING! Having a guy like Tony Snow behind the podium he might be more clever and use Orwellian words to take the media. Dammit. I hope not! I want the media to push their sleeves up and make Tony or whoever gets the job to shake, cry, and reveal the truth while doing so! It's the only way we Americans are going to get it!

Thanks so much for commenting today Bill!
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