Sunday, April 23, 2006


Sex trafficking is all the rage in Iraq now!

This very reason could be why some Iraqis are desiring Saddam to return to power. Not only has the country of Iraq, which was once divided into three sects and was 'peaceful' for the most part, had to endure endless violence each day, had only eight hours of electricity each day if they're lucky, rarely have access to good clean water, but now their daughters have a higher chance of being kidnapped and sold into the sex slave business since we invaded there! Good grief.
Oh for the love of humanity, I wish this war would end. I am so embarrassed that our president lied us into this war just to line the pockets of his corporate buddies and I'm embarrassed that he is not paying attention to what his lies have created and doing something about it. How awful it is to know that Saddam Hussein did a much better job at keeping Iraq stable than what Bush has done with it for the past three years. I can only imagine how terrified these little girls must be. Incredible.
Will this generation of Iraqis who are affected by this end up hating us in the future? Time will tell, but I can guarantee, they won't forget!!

LMAO! I love you James! You crack me up. Well, you definately have a point there. On another note, once the opium crops in Afghanistan were well-groomed and becoming very profitable, Rush Limbaugh couldn't get there fast enough to update his listeners on the status of that country! This could be why the man continues to have the sniffles while doing his show. He's gone from Oxys to Opium!!!
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