Thursday, May 18, 2006


Are our soldiers in Iraq killing in cold blood?

Last year, our Marines killed a 3 year old in Iraq in cold blood along with 14 other members of her family. What on Earth could a 3 year old have done to deserve to be killed execution style? Nothing. Can you imagine this? Imagine a 3 year old looking at the end of a gun and the last person she sees in her life is an American soldier ready to kill her! Three Marines have been relieved of their duty over this, which is good, but what emotional scars are they going to have knowing what they did to this poor child and her family? Oh boy. Remember, our soldiers will be home one day and just like after the Vietnam war...our streets may not be so safe for awhile.
Our soldiers are tired. Many have been deployed 3 or 4 times and they miss their families. I'm not making excuses for them because killing a whole family in cold blood deserves no excuses, but Bush is using them too much and it is starting to show. Our soldiers are seeing the Iraqi people as the enemy when they should not be. The Iraqis have never hated's their leaders who have had a problem with us. We must never forget that. But...with atrocious shootings such as this one in Haditha, the Iraqis will be forever be scorned and will over time hate America....and God forbid....could be chanting 'death to America' at some point! Al-Qaida was not in Iraq before we illegally invaded and occupied that country. The knowledge of killing a whole family in cold blood is fueling the hatred.
The insurgency for the most part is the Iraqis who are fighting for their voice (Saddam had the country divided into 3 sects: the Kurds, the Shiites, and the Sunnis...and this kept them from fighting) and for control of the country they love. American soldiers are not helping squash the violence if they are participating in murder themselves! Americans have always been the calming factor for any nation upon our arrival, but not this time or ever. We illegally invaded on lies created by the Bush Warpigs, have allowed this country to disinegrate, and now our soldiers are doing things that is only adding to the violence instead of calming it. No more do we hear the words, "Here come the Americans!", because Bush has tainted our reputation big time. The world doesn't trust us and it's too bad. We are great nation and our soldiers have always reflected that, but having criminals run our country is having a trickled down affect.
It's time for us to leave Iraq and let the Iraqis rebuild their nation. We have stolen their jobs, refused to give them electricity and water for any amount of time, and we are killing their people in cold blood. It wouldn't be 'cutting and running'. We have over stayed our welcome. We need to get out just to save our once great country's reputation! We are Americans.........NOT BARBARIANS.

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