Saturday, May 20, 2006
Has the US placed bandits at the Iranian border?
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the US military or our intelligence agencies have sent bandits or squads to the border between Iraq and Iran to drum up trouble. Why? Because the Bush Warpigs outed one of our CIA agents who was part of a group that was in Iran spying to find out what Iran was doing in the nuclear field! Our only chance to know has been squashed and now we have nothing to rely on (and that is why Bush is lying when he says Iran is 'doing this' or 'doing that' because we just don't know what Iran is doing!). Because Bush and his Warpigs want to get into Iran (oil!!! tons of it!!!), I can see them putting bullies on the border to get Iran to retaliate or to start something with us. Years ago on the AOL message board I posted that our CIA does things in secret across the planet and we never know really where they are....except....when there is an excursion somewhere on the planet orchestrated by them and it rears it's ugly head on the news! Remember when the ex-Lebanese prime minister was assassinated and Bush immediately held a press conference here in the US and condemned Syria for the killing? Well, my immediate thought was where was our CIA when this assassination happened? What if we had CIA members in Lebanon and they assassinated the ex-prime minister just so the Bush Warpigs could crack down on Syria? Could be but we'll never know, will we? This type of secret killings or bullying is why many in the Middle East don't like us (as well as others across the planet). They know the truth and Americans do not. Those like myself who take an objective view of everything realize that America is not innocent all the time. We do and have done things that are shameful (think back to the Reagan years and the death squads down in South America! Raping and killing nuns for Christ's sake!). I love my country but I do not like it when my leaders do atrocious things in my name!
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