Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Is George H.W. Bush connected to JFK's assassination?

This post has nothing to do with war, I know, but I find it very intriguing. For years online on the blogs and message boards, there has been talk about how Bush Sr. was connected to John F. Kennedy's assassination back in 1963 and there is much written about it online. But something very interesting is happening now.....journalist Jack Anderson dies recently of old age and within days the FBI is knocking on his widow's door to retrieve all of Anderson's private papers. Hmmmm....their reason for doing this to this family before the mourning sets in? Well, according to the FBI, they want Jack's papers because they say he has papers in his possession that are connected to the America-Israeli Public Affairs Committee. Oh poppycock. Many that knew Jack Anderson say that he never did any reporting on that subject and wasn't even interested in it.
Well, it appears that ole Jack has papers in his possession that could reveal that Bush Sr. knew Lee Harvey Oswald's American host. Now that's an interesting notion, don't you think? I think so.
Big Brother works in very mysterious ways because for years many bloggers could go to www.bushbodycount.com and it would list out all of the people that Bush Sr. was connected to who were either murdered or he had connections to the murderer. With Big Brother being Big Brother, now when you go to the above website, instead of the long detailed list, there is a picture of dead Iraqi children!
The above linked article in the title of this thread has a lot more information and it is worth the read!

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