Sunday, May 21, 2006


One illegal gets republican backing to stay in America

If anyone thinks that the illegal immigration debate has NOTHING to do with skin color (hence the backlash against the brown Mexicans), then think again! Karl Rove stated that he wanted to make illegal immigration the talking point for republicans for the mid-term election knowing that the cannonball-headed neocons would take the racist-football and run with it! And run with it they have! So, I find it interesting (and to prove my point that skin color is the issue here in the immigration debate) that republican Senator Mike Dewine is standing behind 18 year old, white skinned Manuel Bartch to stay in the country because of the 'oopsey doopsey' Bartch encountered after his stepfather didn't adopt him when he came to this country on a temporary visa in 1997. Well, I wonder how many other illegal immigrants (especially those brown skinned ones) have a similiar story! I bet many! But because an illegal has white skin.......well......THE REPUBLICANS WILL STAND UP FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT TO HAVE AMERICAN STATUS. I find it very racial to say the least.

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