Saturday, May 20, 2006


The religious LEFT is getting noticed again

I'm going to be honest. I'm not religious. I find the Bible to be bunch of stories written over a period of time (hence the repeat stories) and then rewritten by the Catholics from the 1200's on to fit their own agenda....but....that doesn't mean I am against anyone wanting to practice their religion or their beliefs. I believe in the Freedom of Religion and always have but I don't like anyone to impose their beliefs on me. I don't consider myself an Atheist either because I've had spiritual moments in my life, but I do consider myself to be more Pagan where I have a deep connection to nature/Universal things (moon, sun, stars, planets, air, water, soil etc.) and that is where I find comfort.
The past few years watching the religious right take over our country and acting like a bunch of bullies has really turned me off as it has others. 90% of our country is religious and/or spiritual, so it has really ticked me off (and many other rational people) that the right wingers consider everyone who is a liberal or a democrat as being 'soiled' and 'of sin'. Poppycock. If you read the words under my blog title, I've listed out all the things the right wing wackos have done in the past 6 years and it is the religious right who wants more than that out of them! Hell, the religious right would be happy if a gay/lesbian was murdered on a cable channel each week. They'd be happy to watch women walking into an abortion clinic only to be gunned down by an 'invisible' gunman. The religious right is wrong and Americans know it. What the religious right stands for is not what mainstream America stands for. The religious left is making a comeback now, not that they ever left, but after watching the actions of the religious right, especially in the last few years now, many Lefties are coming forward and publically saying that they are religious and spiritual too.....but in a loving, caring, and peaceful kind of way. Love it. Now, if only the religious right could take on those kinds of beliefs!

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