Tuesday, May 16, 2006


"We're not listening..." says Bush

Well, what do you know! Bush basically said today that he is keeping a record of all of America's phone calls, but he's not listening to them! Oh really? So what he is saying is that the government is just recording all our calls and using our calls to determine patterns (hey, if you call that Chinese take out place way too much....you could trigger a red flap you know! You terrorist you!).......but if they hear the words "nuke, kill, Death to America", well, they're not listening so it doesn't matter what you say! Oh for the love of the Spaghetti Monster....does he really think we're stupid? Is it possible that Bush and his Incompetent Warpigs know that there are thousands of al-Qaida terrorists in our nation and realize now that they didn't secure our borders right after 9/11 like they should have.....and are now backtracking by recording everyone's phone calls to cover their incompetent asses? I think so! Only an incompetent leader would do something like that.
Like I've always said, even if there is a terrorist attack after 2008 I will blame the Bush Regime FOR NOT DOING WHAT WAS BEST FOR AMERICA'S SAFETY AFTER 9/11/01 BY NOT SECURING OUR BORDERS, OUR COASTLINES, AND OUR PORTS! They will be to blame and no one else. They're listening to their opposition and not the terrorists because they can relate to the terrorists and not us.

If you were the president what would you do? Would you rather the president miss important leads to terrorist attacks just to stop him from invading your privacy? What are you talking about thats so privite, and yes I know thats beside the point, but sometimes you have to sacrafice a little bit. Yes, he has made a few mistakes, but would'nt you if you were in his chair?
There were 52 warnings coming in to the president from the Intelligence agencies prior to 9/11/01 and on the eve of 9/11 the words, "Tomorrow is zero hour", was SAID BETWEEN TWO KNOWN TERRORISTS THAT THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY WAS TRACKING......and they didn't interpret it until 9/12/01...a day after 9/11! So, they can listen all they want but in the end...if the terrorists want to attack us they will. Get it?

I would have secured the borders, beefed up security in our airports and coastlines. I never would have gone into Iraq because going into that country would be no different than attacking New Hampshire because Texas attacked Mississipi! Do you get that? I never would have wasted money on an unneeded war. I would have stayed on Osama's ass too and never would have given up until he was behind bars or in a coffin. Do you get that? If you read one of my posts below about the right wing talk show host who doesn't trust Bush and who brings up the PNAC (Project for the New American Century which was a right wing think tank during the 1990's plotting to get back into Iraq and they specifically said they needed a Pearl Harbor-like attack to convince Americans of it! 9/11 was their Pearl Harbor attack and that is why they are not spying on us to catch the terrorists. Nope. They are spying on the REAL ENEMY...anyone who doesn't agree with their sinister plot to take over the planet.

And guess what? I'm not guilty of anything and am not hiding anything. What I don't like is giving the government AUTHORITY TO INTERPRET WHAT I'M SAYING WHILE I'M ON THE PHONE! I don't trust them. They are more apt to arrest Americans at this point than the terrorists. If we give up our freedoms for security.......we end up with neither in the end. Understand that one?
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