Wednesday, May 24, 2006


What is a 'Constitutional crisis' to the Congress?

Apparently, the only Constitutional crisis in the eyes of the Congress is the one where the FBI broke into House Representative Jefferson's office and took documents!!!! That's it. Yup, after 6 years of the Bush Administration and alllllllllllll the laws they've broken since they were given the presidency in 2000...the storming of a Congressman's office is it. Yup, spying on Americans illegally, starting wars on lies, outing a CIA operative in a time of war, and 750 signing statements which allows Bush to ignore 750+ laws of this country, well, the Congress feels breaking into one of their own is above all of that and far more important for the American people. Incredible.
Yes, I know that the Congress (as well as Americans!) should be free of abuse by the Executive branch, but if the Congress had been paying attention the last 6 years, they would have noticed that Bush and his Warpigs have been giving them the finger by RENDERING THE CONGRESS USELESS for years now for God's sake!! The Warpigs have made clear that they will do what they want, when they want, and with who they want and don't need the damn Congress to be there when they decide to. Rendering the Congress useless and forming a 'Unitary Executive' (dictator) for OUR DEMOCRACY CALLED a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!!!! Not the breaking into a Congressman's office, idiots. What all of this proves to me is that we have the most corrupt Congress in the history of our nation and they are all nervous about having the same thing happen to them. They're feeling guilty and are protecting themselves, because if they were feeling patriotic and feeling the need to stand up for the rights of the people and themselves, well, THEY WOULD HAVE DONE IT A LONG TIME AGO against the most corrupt and evil Administration in our history.
I spit on them....all of them (there's a few I like but not many). As far as Jefferson is concerned....resign your position and get the hell out of Dodge and take the rest of the dirty rotten scumbags in the Congress with ya (and I don't care what party they are a part of either!). Go!

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