Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Amnesty for the insurgents in Iraq...hey...why the hell not...idiots

Why the hell are we still in Iraq if the new Iraqi government is considering giving amnesty to the insurgents in their country? Huh? War on Terror, remember that? We've been 'fighting' it for years now for God's sake and Bush told us that Iraq is the 'central front' in the war on terror, so since we've created more terrorists who hate us and we can't seem to get those Iraqis to control even one city (Baghdad today), well hey, let's just give in and let the very people everyone is fighting over there have amnesty! I guess it beats cutting and running, huh...or thinking...or coming up with a plan.
If I find out this is what Bush said to the new prime minister of Iraq during his 5 hour surprise visit yesterday, I'm going to scream.

Kay is that your screams i"m hearing??? It doesn't help, i've been doing that for 5 years now. Bill
LOL Bill. If the screams in my head were to be actually heard by humans, they would cause the Universe to fold in on itself!!!!! That is how angry I am!!!

Yup, give Amnesty to the terrorists....oh for the love of the Pepperoni Pizza...HOW TREASONOUS, TRAITOROUS, AND DOWNRIGHT STUPID IS THAT!!!!
I thought you said the insurgents weren't terrorists at all, but "freedom fighters"? I thought your side claimed that they're only fighting at all (targetting civilians) because of the US presence there and that they'd instantly become Ice cream vendors if we pulled out... if so, why not an amnesty for those who surrender?

Now you're contradicting yourself to OPPOSE the Iraqi government's offer of amnesty in exchange for their surrender? Make up you mind: are they terrorists needing to be killed or are they freedom fighters needing to be negotiated with?
I care about our soldiers and you don't neocon. I think this whole thing is an indication that WE SHOULD PULL OUT!

The Iraqi vice president announced today THAT HE WANTS BUSH TO SET A TIMETABLE!!! They want us out. I think amnesty should be given AFTER WE GET OUT!

And yes, they are 'freedom fighters'! They're protecting their country from the illegal occupiers which is us. But at the same time, I care about the welfare of our soldiers and don't think it is a good time to let them out.

By the way, 2 of our soldiers went missing today. Connection? Don't know. We're hated. Time to leave.

The difference between Bush Sr's Persian Gulf war compared to his son's, is that Bush Sr. cut and run but had the Iraqi people behind him (and he turned his back on them) and Bush now wants to stay but the Iraqi people hate him and us!!! Like I said, time to leave!
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