Sunday, June 25, 2006


An apology....

I'd like to take this moment to apologize to our Forefathers who feverishly and without interuption, worked tirelessly to hash out the Constitution of the United States of America. It appears now, my dear Forefathers, that your gallant efforts were in vain because the current leaders of our great country are now spitting on your Masterpiece and are thumbing their noses at you. I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I respect everything you did for us that day! You created the most incredible democracy and nation that our planet has ever witnessed. I commend you.
I, however, condemn our current leaders and their actions. Your Constitution also condemned these types of tyrannical leaders and your wording in this great document is a reflection of how you were feeling. You knew that America would not be a free country if the office of the presidency had way too much power. You decided to give all the power to the people of this great country by having representatives in the Congress vote accordingly. 'Power to the people', you hailed years ago! Unfortunately, the Constitution you worked tirelessly to get right is now just a 'God damned piece of paper' to our current leader. He hates what you created. He and his minions are control freaks and hate what you created.
Now that America is teetering on a dictatorship and our Congress is full of a bunch of cowards because they won't stand up for the people or for the most important document ever created in the history of this planet....a document that they all swore to uphold...well....I apologize to you, Forefathers. You're efforts years ago are not lost on me and many in this country. I want you to know that myself and others are fighting hard to keep democracy alive in this country. We don't want another King George like the one you fought against years ago! We're fighting in your honor. You were the first liberals of our country and for that...we will work tirelessly to uphold your intentions.

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