Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Bush does another photo-op!

Yup, he spent some time at Camp David and presto!...a photo-op was born. Does he think we don't notice these things? Everytime his party looks bad (gay marriage ban, Ann Coulter...two latest things) he springs into action by doing some staged act to change the minds of the American people. I'm going to say it one last time: if Iraq was safe, doing wonderfully, and was properous, he wouldn't have to pop in and give a 5 minute notice to who he wants to meet with! Iraq is not safe and popping in with a short notice goes to show you that he doesn't trust the new leaders in Iraq even though he said he did today! And....how long does it take to train people to fight, protect, and kill? We've been there for 4 years now and there is hardly a group of Iraqi police worthy of being left alone with a sling shot or know how to use one. Yet, our own military can train killers (that is what our soldiers are trained to do) in 12 weeks during boot camp! I know what it is. Bush & Co. want to stay in Iraq. Case closed.
Again, today's photo-op was just bullshit to impress the backwash of the country (the 29% that still loves Bush). The neocon base today cracked open their Budweisers and shot their guns in the air, because they are part of Bush's killing society and love it when their Decider keeps them on edge! They love seeing their Fuehrer land on a warship with a codpiece in his pants or land on the battle ground in Iraq wearing his business suit to make himself look tough. They love that! It's all about imagery with the neocons. They can't read a book, but give them a good picture to look at and they'll be frothing at the mouth for more! What a bunch of imbeciles they are...

Well, so we do love beer and have guns, guns, lots and lots of guns... so what? What're you and the socialists like you gonna do about it?

You don't like the military and you don't like the police, so how are you going to 'disarm' us?

I got it - how about the same way you claim the USA ought to act with terrorists! Ignore us, do nothing at all in response to anything we do, and think positive thoughts about us. That should teach us and magically make the world a safe haven for socialism right?

Oh but if the above won't work with "evil" republicans, how do you suppose it'll work with the Muslim terrorists?

It seems that you hate the GOP and despise republicans and have definately violent hopes for us...in 2008 and beyond but at the same time have nothing but admiration and praise for terrorists and real enemies of America.

Isn't it funny that you're running your neocon mouth when the Iraqi prime minister is wanting to give amnesty to the terrorists in his country! Seems that the Iraqis love the terrorists more than they love the Americans.

You're right. I hate republicans and the GOP and anyone like yourself who makes up the neocon cult. Thanks for noticing.
You mean to tell me that the Iraqi Prime Minister wants to do THE VERY SAME THING AS THE LEFT WANTS TO DO WITH THE INMATES OF GITMO? That is, close down detention centers and let them go? Or forgive the current rag-tag "freedom fighters" in exchange for a peace agreement?! Wow!

Oh wait. I forgot. When it's YOUR idea it's perfect, when it's someone else (even if the same thing is being proposed) it's bad bad bad.

Hating someone's ideas is one thing, hating someone who thinks differently than you is both sinful and psychotic. You don't see Jesus teaching his followers to HATE people who disagree with them.
Hey pal, why don't you get your own blog!

You mean to tell me that you and Rove love and worship my ideas? And you're not psychotic? Wow! You are psychotic!

Ha ha....the vice president of Iraq wants the US military out and is requesting that Bush give a timetable to do it. Seems that the democrats are correct and your side is wrong!
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