Friday, June 16, 2006


Bush has chosen a new leader to run his death squad in Iraq!

It's official. Bush and his War Swines have chosen a new leader to run their al-Qaida death squad. They must be so happy now to continue the propaganda that America needs to stay in Iraq because the bad guys are still there! Of course, there is a huge US embassy being built, as well as, 12-13 US military bases, which means al-Qaida can do whatever they want because we're not leaving. Bastards.

Of course, you do know that US and Iraqi troops have conducted over 450 raids, killing 100+ terrorists and capturing another 700 since last week, right?

We're rolling up Zarqawi's entire pyramid of cells from the top down, and going from treasure trove of intel to more troves of intel... connecting dots by capturing or killing foreign terrorists on a daily basis.

So that's good news. We may see a down turn in violence and death soon - another bit of good news.

But of course Iran sits right across the border - the Iran you're on record stating is one of the "real enemies" we ought to be worried about.... so it makes perfect sense that we'd be constructing 'permanent' bases in Iraq doesn't it? I mean, if the Left is correct about Iran, we'd BETTER BE gearing up to take them on, and sitting in 12-13 bases scattered throughout Iraq is a hellava lot smarter than being "redeployed" into small Kuwait or Qatar!

But of course, since good news or smart moves might benefit the GOP, it's supposedly "bad"; if a Democrat was president the very same news and moves would be hailed as brilliant and wonderful.

Just another sample of Leftist hypocrisy, double-standards, and lack of principle in their hatred for the Right.
And your Fuehrer started the whole thing huh! Yup, we have bases going up and we have a very expensive and huge embassy going up too, but not to protect Iraq from Iran. Nope. It's going up to be there for future American businesses (as well as now). And just why do you think we have to be the ones to come between these two countries? I remember republicans in the 1990's always screaming that Americans are not the rescuerers of the planet! But yet, here they are. Creating wars...acting like they are coming to everyone's rescue (except for black Americans....they hate and despise black Americans!).

Post a link to your garbage about all the terrorists we killed recently and all the raids we completed (including the names of the operations). Thanks.

I hate the right but are you saying you love the left? You act like you are a victim in all of this for God's sake. You hate the left but you act like my hate shouldn't be heard. I hate your party...never did...but I do now thanks to your Fuehrer. That's what Ann Coulter does...runs her mouth and then when someone says something back she acts like she is a victim! Your party is pathetic!

Kind of interesting how Bush Sr. had no problem training Osama back in the 1980's to fight the Russians when he was in Afghanistan. But now! Osama is the Boogeyman. Al-Qaida was born right after Bush Sr. trained him. But here's the interesting thing...Bush Sr. lost his re-election in 1992 and Clinton got in. About a month after Clinton took office al-Qaida guys attacked the WTC. Revenge? Could is the Bush family's personal death squad/hit men. Did Clinton blame Bush Sr.? Nope. Was there another terror attack on our nation by al-Qaida? Nope. Clinton did as good a job as Bush is claiming because there hasn't been an attack right? Also, did Clinton create a fake war to line the pockets of his corporate whores? Nope. Bush did though. And guess who helped him? Osama. Yup, 9/11 was created by Bush and his warpigs.
Conspiracy Theory about 9/11 attacks:
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