Monday, June 12, 2006


Bush is going into the closet

Yup, you heard it first, Bush is going into the closet and let's hope the man admits his secrets, his failures, and comes up with a plan to make right with the American people after he comes out of the closet! He's going to Camp David to hunker down with top officials to discuss the war in Iraq, how to catapult the propaganda of al-Zarqawi's death, and to finally come up with a 'strateeeegery' on how to win over the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. But will he? Will he and his Swines be able to come up with solutions now after all these years of chaos building in Iraq? Iraq is a mess for God's sake and they've known it for years and have done nothing. They even allowed al-Zarqawi to kill for years even though they knew exactly where he was and what he was doing. The Swines have created this mess for good reason: money, greed, and power. If Bush and his Warpigs want to win over the Iraqi people, they need to: put the country back to the way it was before pre-invasion and then have all American businesses and our military leave the country. We need to give the Iraqi people their country back. Let them be the ones to earn their own money, run their own oil fields and refineries, and run their own country! Will this be a strategy that the Pigs will come up with after coming out of the closet? Probably not. They'll come out and tell us everything is fine and they're staying the course. Of course, Iran will be discussed too and the next thing we'll know a knew war will be started to divert Americans away from the failures in Iraq. We'll have to wait and see what happens. I have my fingers crossed for the Iraqi people that things go in their favor.

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