Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The Bush Swine loves his signing statements

Bush is a Fascist Swine. If one was to take the time to add up all the signing statements from previous presidents before Bush, one would find that Bush has broken the record and has surpassed all others! Over 750 times since he was selected in 2000 for the presidency, the man has refused to acknowledge most laws that have come across his desk for a signature. He feels that he has more power than the Congress and he can at any time refuse to abide by a law when he deems it as so. In one case, he signed a Bill that HAD NOT PASSED BOTH THE HOUSE & SENATE, but that was okay to him (John Conyers and others have sued the Bush Administration on this particular incident), because he's the King and he'll do whatever he wants. Bush hates America and is surrounded by individuals who also feel the same way. They hate the fact that we have laws in this country and they hate the fact that the president is looked upon as a citizen of our country. They, the Fascist Swines, want the president's office to have all the power over the people. They want a tyrannical dictatorship. If our Forefathers were alive today, they would be on the Internet setting up massive protests where they would have the good citizens of this country storming the White House on a daily/weekly basis! Why? Because it was guys like Bush and his Swines that our Forefathers fought against. They knew that the president's position would only be a visible position and he/she would only have a few powers. They wanted this nation to be RULED BY THE PEOPLE...AND...NOT RULED BY A FEW INDIVIDUALS AT THE TOP!
As Jack Cafferty of CNN once stated in part, Arlen Spector is the only thing standing between a democracy and a dictatorship here in America. He is right! So, Spector had better get his arse in gear and stop the madness, otherwise, HE WILL ALSO BE BLAMED FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR ONCE GREAT COUNTRY.

What a motherfucker this guy is!...

Yes he is! He thinks he's the King and so does the rest of his Pigs.

We should have known when our country went from a democracy to a dictatorship, fascist republicans would be at the helm!!!!!

I hate them all.
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