Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Bush's plan for Iraq: STAY THERE FOREVER

The news of an embassy being built in Iraq has been around for a few years now, but no one wants to talk about it....especially the neocons. They don't like the idea that their Fuehrer keeps yelling, "Victory in Iraq!", and, "We're winning the war on terror!", and of course, "We're not leaving until the mission is accomplished!", only to realize that a US embassy to the tune of a billion dollars is being built along with 12-13 PERMANENT military bases, which means we are going to be there for years on end! You know, that has always been Bush's mission but you can't tell that to the stupid neocons. Oh no, they would rather die by lethally beating themselves in the head than admit that their King is duping them all.
I read one article today that said 50,000 rotating US troops will be in Iraq indefinately. So neocons, we will NEVER win the war on terror because Bush wants to stay in Iraq. Seems a little odd, doesn't it, that your Fuehrer keeps telling you that the Iraqis and al-Qaida are our enemy, but he plans to set up shop there! And yes, he'll use Iraq as the 'central front' (he's called it that many times) to control the rest of the Middle East, but I can guarantee you the whole world will end up being 'al-Qaida operatives' because the world will see a superpower bossing around, bombing, and killing Arabs and Muslims. This is why they hate us in the first place!

FDR planned to have US troops in Europe FOREVER after WW2 so as to stabilize the continent. As so it was.... we stayed and Europe has had the longest period of peace between the major powers in its 2000 year history.

Thanks to the fact that US troops are in both Japan and Korea, those two nations have not fought each other in over 50 years either... again, historically unprecedented.

Since 1998 US troops have been stationed in the Balkans (remember Clinton's PROMISE that they'd "be out by Christmas"? He didn't specify which year he was talking about). They're STILL there. No cries from the Left about "occupation" though.

US troops are STILL in the Sinai penninsula between Egypt and Israel - keeping the peace since 1979.

Now you're upset that we might have a permanent presence in Iraq?
I'm upset that the Bush family maggots and their corporate whore friends are behind the war in Iraq. The war never should have started! Also, please explain when we declared war on Iraq. We haven't. We have illegally invaded a sovereign country and are occupying it. Iraq did not attack us on 9/11 in case you're forgetting. Saddam was the least of our worries in the Middle East. Considering 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, we definately went after the wrong nation! Iran has always been a foe to us for the most part, but yet, it's the Bush family who proped Saddam up years ago behind the scenes. Remember what Clinton did to Saddam? Saddam couldn't leave his home to get his mail without being watched by satellite! We had him contained in his own country, but yet, Bush said he was scary and could attack us in the form of a mushroom cloud within 45 minutes! Lies, every last one of them!

The Iraq war was a war of choice. We are not making the Middle East safe because we are there. The exact opposite is happening.
"This is why they hate us in the first place" define "They" please.

Fact is, throughout the 1990's the USA was doing nothing but save Muslims around the globe - save them from starving in Somalia, save them from "ethnic cleansing" in the Balkans, and save them in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from invasion... and 'their' response was yearly bombing of our embassies, ships, barracks, and diplomats.

Listen carefully now. The Gulf War of 1991 ended with an 'armistice' agreement that halted hostilities in exchange for Iraq agreeing to a list of things. By 1993 Iraq started backing out of all their agreements and started SHOOTING AT OUR PLANES which were flying UN mandated PATROLS over northern and southern Iraq. SHOOTING AT PLANES IS AN ACT OF WAR.

What Clinton did in the mid-1990's with cruise missile attacks ("On a sovereign country" too) were 'acts of war' too... so we weren't friendly nations at all. They were shooting at us, and all during Bill's presidency, we were dropping bombs on them....

Not that you'd know much about international law. Your liberal brainwashers told you "it's illegal" so you just stop thinking for yourself and have never read the actual legal texts.

After we took down the Taliban and Al Qaeda in 2002, we watched where the rats fled to and MANY fled to Iraq. Zarqawi already had a camp in northern Iraq and other international terrorist cells and organizations received training and payment from Saddam. Just because there was no "Al Qaeda" hotel with people carryign "Hi, I'm a proud member of Al Qaeda" badges doesn't mean there was NO connection. Half the "fedeyin" forces were NON-IRAQIs.... ergo, foreign terrorists fighting in Iraq FOR SADDAM.

Now we agree that Bush named Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as the 3 'axis of evil' nations. You seem to agree that Iran is an enemy to be stopped or - as you imply - invaded.

Well, you can't very well invade Iran (because of geography) without first taking care of Iraq.

Invading North Korea wouldn't have helped us with Iran so there you go. The smart thing with the NoKos is to get Russian, China, and Japan in on the negotiations - and given NoKo's geography (half a penninsula) they ARE largely in a box.

Iraq and Iran cannot be 'boxed' in...and Satellites cannot tell you everything. CLINTON made sure we didn't have enough HUMINT (by gutting the CIA in the 1990s') so it was never enough to 'watch' from space.... and in the event of it, we learned after invading that Iraq never was in a box, thanks to the massive UN oil-for-everything-but-food' scandal wherein the very same countries we thought were maintaining the 'box' were actually secretly trading with Iraq!

Given that the Middle East is the source of Islamofacism, if you seek to destroy terrorists and the situations that spawn them, Iraq presented the ideal way to start going about it. Not Afghanistan and not any other nation. Iraq borders with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran.... and lo and behold, most of the guys we want to fight anyway ARE IN IRAQ!

You just hate Bush for different reasons... if it were President Gore doing this, you'd be panting in favor of him.
If Gore was president during 9/11, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN AGAINST HIM GOING INTO IRAQ so don't spew your self-righteous crap at me pal.

Clinton had Saddam right where he wanted him and Bush is the one that loosened that grip, didn't he? You, I can tell, refuse to believe that Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rummy and the rest of the Swines could be Evil. You refuse to believe it! You refuse to believe that after 230 years of democracy, that a bunch of people could come along (many of which were conspiring in the 1990's with the PNAC terrorists) and want to take that away! What is wrong with you that you can't see that Bush and his Posse are nothing but a bunch of thugs. They don't care about you. Never will they care about you. Your undying devotion and love for them is going to come crashing down at some point and you'll realize how stupid you were to put these guys between God and Jesus. They're not Saints. They are out to steal as much money as they can from us. If they have to create wars to accomplish that, then so be it! But you want to win over the liberals! That is your stupid fight. Well guess what pal, I want my country to remain free and having Bush and Co. at the helm is not going to allow my country to stay that way. Shame on you for believing in these fascists.

Clinton jailed all 5 terrorists who bombed the WTC. They're still in prison. Where's Osama? Oh yeah, that's right....we had him cornered in Tora Bora and Bush/Rummy outsourced his capture to the very people who were harboring him! They did the same thing with al-Zarqawi! They let him come over into Iraq way before the war started and let him kill people (including Americans) for years!!! Bush has lots of blood on his hands because this is his war (which war was never declared...we're illegally occupying it). The end.
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