Monday, June 19, 2006


The Fake War in Iraq

For years now I've been online on the blogs and message boards saying that the Iraq war was created by Bush and his Warpigs to line the pockets of their corporate cronies. I've also said for years that the war is being made to look like a war when it really isn't. Why is the Iraq war a fake war? Because when we first illegally invaded, Bush had our soldiers secure the oil fields (which was another reason why Bush wanted to get in there and which relates to lining the pockets of his corporate whores). After the oil fields were secure and after Baghdad was cornered off, American businesses started pouring into Iraq (Halliburton, KBR, GE, etc.) because the country was safe enough to enter. As time went on, many of our soldiers were protecting Americans within the Green Zone in Baghdad (which is 'American territory') and very little protection was given to the Iraqi people from that moment on. (Under Saddam, however, the country was divided into 3 sects: The Kurds in the North, the Sunnis, and the Shiites. This protected his people.) But when our troops were protecting American interests and ignoring the reality of the situation via their Commanders, that is when the sects melded together and along with the insurgency (many of which are Iraqis and not al-Qaida as the Bush Pigs would like for us to believe)...the country imploded in on itself. But Bush and his Warpigs continue to say we are at war. They say that we are there to help the Iraqis and the Iraqis want us there. In recent days, however, reality of what is really going on is becoming clear. Last week, two of our soldiers were taken hostage, but yet, when the Bush Regime talks about this incident, they say our soldiers were kidnapped. Kidnapped? Since we're at war, shouldn't our missing soldiers be considered prisoners of war at this point since witnesses said they saw our soldiers being dragged off by masked men? Even Tony Snow said to Bob Schieffer recently in an interview when referring to this, he said, 'a crime scene'. A crime scene?!!! We are supposedly at war...but everyone in the Bush Regime isn't acting that way! They're acting like it is no big deal. They're acting like I've suspected all along:
THE IRAQ WAR IS A FAKE WAR. JUST LIKE A MAFIA PIZZA looks like a pizza shop, it acts like a pizza shop, but it is really a front to launder money! THE IRAQ WAR IS THE SAME's just a front to line the pockets of Bush's corporate whores.
Our soldiers aren't gallanting fighting to help the Iraqis become a democracy, unfortunately. Our soldiers on the command of the Bush Regime are protecting corporate interests and nothing else and THAT IS WHY THIS WAR IS SUCH A MESS. Greed has been the focus while the Iraqis have had to protect themselves.
While the money was being made over the years by Bush's buddies, a REAL war started and we weren't around to stop it! A civil war has come to fruition and Bush is ignoring it. He doesn't care! What he does care about is staying the course. Well, of course he wants to stay the course because without staying the course the US Embassy won't get finished, the permanent American military bases won't be completed, and without these....Bush's corporate Swines will lose their corporate welfare checks! They won't be able to stay in Iraq for safety reasons! These checks, by the way, have depleted our treasury, but 'that's okay' says long as it looks like a war over there in Iraq, Bush will be the most popular person in his corrupt, unethical group of Pigs. In the end, that is really what truly matters to him, isn't it? Being popular amongst those who share the same mindset as him? Yup.

You are making alot of affirmations - that simply aren't true and can be fact checked on google in seconds.... for example, the idea that Iraq was a paradise of ethnic and religious social peace under Saddam; not true. There are killing fields and mass graves to prove his system held together those 3 groups by force - and lots more civilians killed per year than the total killed by the USA in 3 years.

You also seem to imply that all Iraqis dying today are gunned down or bombed by US troops, and not, say, non-Iraqi terrorists or Iraqi "insurgents" killing their neighbors' children.

Finally you keep claiming that there's a "civil war" going on. Civil VIOLENCE, I grant you, but for it to be 'a war' there has to be political parties vying for power. But there's not. The Kurds and Shiites aren't trying to carve out Kurdistan and Shiitistan and the Sunnis aren't trying to carve out "Sunnistan".

Guys with guns don't automatically = soldiers; which is why masked gunmen capturing US Soldiers is considered "kidnapping" and not "a uniformed infantry squad taking POWs". Al Qaeda (which claims responsibility) is NOT a government and doesn't represent a "sovereign" state power, so again, it's apples and oranges to claim the soldiers are POWs.

But you hate Bush and Conservatives so that's all that matters. Details and facts anyone can google are merely annoyances.

So, if there were tons and tons and tons of killings by Saddam, why is he on trial for killing 148? Answer that for me.

So, when one of our soldiers is taken it's a kidnapping, but when an Iraqi or an American peace worker is taken it's considered a hostage situation. When we take Iraqis or others and put them in GITMO, they're prisoners and are not kidnapped? EXPLAIN PLEASE!

Hey, POST YOUR LINKS TO PROVE YOUR POSITION!!!!! Oh yeah, that's right, you're a neocon and you would much rather come onto a LIBERAL BLOG and argue and not defend yourself with "your facts".

Google this "anonymous"
Yes, it's YOUR BLOG. But my posts are made according to the RULES and this COMMENT feature YOU DECIDED TO HAVE. You ought to be happy someone's reading your posts and taking time to post rebutals.

Saddam's being tried for killings he directly ordered - the mass graves (which aren't made up) cf ( are places where the REGIME dumped their victims - but there's no paper trail proving Saddam DIRECTLY ordered individuals' deaths. But his GOVERNMENT DID.

The guys in GITMO were picked up on the battlefield where they surrendered and were "given quarter"; Kidnappings and hostage takings are forced captures, not cases of people chosing to lay down their weapons and go peacefully.
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