Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The Fascists want complete secrecy

The Fascists are running around saying that the New York Times must be sued for releasing information that makes the Fascists look bad! It's very interesting to me that the New York Times was used by these same Fascists to drum up support for their fake war in Iraq. They used Judith Miller and others to catapult the propaganda to our nation. Hell, they even told Judith to tell the nation that weapons of mass destruction could be found under barns and buildings! The New York Times was the Fascist's mouthpiece for God's sake! Now, the Swines want to sue the NY Times for disclosing on two occasions their UNLAWFUL agenda. Before they NY Times released both programs to the public, the Fascists begged the newspaper to not do it. They want complete and utter secrecy, but guess what? This is what our media, the fourth state, is for! Since the Congress refuses to hold the Fascist's feet to the fire, the newspapers of this country have to. It's their job as citizens of this country. Without the reporters and journalists, we would never know that the Fascists are lurking into our daily lives while the terrorists run freely around the planet!
America is a transparent democracy and the Fascists don't like that. Nope. They would rather run our country like all good dictatorships: in secrecy and in denial of any law in the country. They're making up their own laws as they go along and if they don't stop it (and if Arlen Spector doesn't get his freaking arse in gear!), we will officially become a dictatorship. But, this is what the Fascists want. This is why Arlen Spector pretends to be against the Fascists and threatens to hold hearings on the issues, but then backs down out of fear. Fear is the Fascist's tool. The only way to 'kill' the Fascists is to continue to make transparent THEIR ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-CONSTITUTION, and their PRO-TREASON agenda!
We, Americans, have to use fear against them for change to happen. Let's hope the newspapers and outlets of our media continue to hold a flame to the Fascists.

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