Sunday, June 18, 2006


Here's a thought...

What if North Korea really isn't getting ready to do a test, but rather, are getting ready to launch a missile at the United States? The reason I say that is because no US satellite has photographed the missiles being filled with fuel. Okay, that sounds promising, but that doesn't mean the missiles haven't been filled! Oh boy.

Hey, could happen. Bush would do that. He'd be like, "Uh yeah, we're going to test this big bomb in the Nevada dessert. Yup, we're testing it. Just testing....", and then bammo!...he attacks Russia preemptively!

Hey, he started one illegal preemptive war, why wouldn't another country do the same thing?

(I also love how you are standing up for the Commie over there in North Korea by basically trusting Kim Jong II to do the right thing. Just like Bush, you all deep down love the Commies and the dictators.)
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