Monday, June 19, 2006


Iraqi employees at the US Embassy in Iraq are petrified... leave their offices or their homes because of fear of being kidnapped or killed by others. Why? Because they're working along side the Americans. My, my, my, our mere presense there is fueling the fire, isn't it? We need to get out and give the Iraqis back their country. Bush knows how bad it is, but yet, he continues to use Orwellian phrases and slogans to keep the war going. He's insane.

"give the Iraqis back their country"

WHICH Iraqis do you propose we "give the country back to"? The terrorists, the thugs who are INTENTIONALLY blowing up crowds of children or the police or fellow Muslims in Mosques?

Should we "give" the country to the Kidnappers?

How about you - your argument is essentially one of surrender to opposing forces who show no sign of giving up. Would you surrender America to the GOP? NOOOOOOO BUT WE'RE NOT GOING AWAY!

Oh but that's different you say. But how? The Iraqis who voted this past year for the current government are afraid of the thugs and murderous terrorists - should we just pull out and let the thugs take over? Or stay until their new government gets strong enough to go after these thugs on their own?

Surrender and pull out are never the "strategy" for democrats with respect to Republicans so why would you suggest it be a winning solution for peaceful Iraqis with respect to the thugs and murderers?
Give the country back to Saddam because he is the only one who kept that country safe! Even some Iraqis want him back...that's how bad it is!!!!!!!

Was al-Qaida in Iraq before we showed up? Nope! But Bush allowed al-Zarqawi to come into Iraq so it would appear that they were! You were duped again. Ha ha. al-Qaida is there but only a very small number. Most of the insurgency and the killing of American soldiers have come from Iraqis! Don't forget that neocon!

My original plan for Iraq WAS NOT GO IN!!!!!!!!!!!! Get that through your thick moronic head. And guess what? I'm still not happy about this illegal occupation! We are killing innocent people for no reason. Saddam controlled the country......BUSH HAS TURNED THE COUNTRY INTO A CIRCUS.

BUSH WANTS TO STAY AND HANG! Have fun. Remember, we know exactly who to blame for Bush's illegal occupation of a sovereign nation.
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