Sunday, June 25, 2006


Louis Minervino

I have a Site Meter at the bottom of my blog and everyday I like to look at it to see who is visiting my site. Most days I'm amused that the government/military looks at my blog 1% of the time. I take it as a 'win' for me. Sometimes when I go down through the Site Meter, I like to see what location people are viewing my blog from. Well, today I noticed an IP address as '' and wondered what this was (being here in Maine, I initially thought it was Maine Medical Center), so I clicked on it. Turns out it is the site of the Marsh & McLellan Companies that was in the World Trade Centers the day the buildings were attacked. This company lost 295 of its employees! Wow. On the first page of this site, there is a memorial for their employees they lost. I clicked on it and found that my friend Denise's relative worked for this company! I had no idea. I remember right after 9/11, Denise's mom was very upset. Her mother's maiden name was Minervino and Louis Minervino was either her mother's cousin or brother. The Minervino family is very large in Portland, Maine (and huge in New York!) and if I'm correct they are related to the Nappis and the Amatos here. (For all that are interested in reading a little about Louis, I've linked it above.)
9/11/01 was such a tragedy and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of it. I tire of people in this country who say liberals have forgotten. Everyone was impacted that day and I don't care who you were. We either lost someone close to us or we absorbed the horrific images of that day and saw close to 3,000 of our beloved Americans die a horrific death. The images will never leave us. Our generation or those of us alive can never forget. Our minds won't allow it. Though I've never met the New York Minervinos, I just want to take this time to say my heart still aches for you and for all the families who were directly impacted that day.

I've tried to tell if the idiot's people are monitoring me because it would be amazing if they aren't.

I get hits from .mil, .gov and Washington DC, but don't know if it's soldiers, a government secretary and a white house tour director on break.

Maybe I should just ask them. Hey, if you are NSA or another government spook, email me. We can discuss why you're more traitor than I.
Isn't this fun, Spiider? Wow. The government has nothing better to do than to read our blogs. Hell, if they spent the same amount of time going after Osama, he'd be caught by now!!! Jees.

I had '' recently check out my blog and found that it was the Air Force. Uh huh.

Let's just think of it as a win for us, okay Spiider?
Hi Kay,
I check your blog out everyday, multiple times; More for the comments and how you slam the neocons right back in there face with their crap, (fun reading). This is probably why you are seeing alot of hits to your site lately. Keep it up...

x91167, LaVie
Thank you LaVie! You can help me slam the neocons too. True Americans are now the army against the anti-Americans (Bush and his supporters)! We have to fight the good fight together!!!
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