Saturday, June 10, 2006


Matalin & Coulter are HARPY's....

...and Carville should be ashamed of himself for ever, ever seeing her 'soul' in the first place only to then marry her! What the hell was Carville thinking? For Christ's sake, Matalin is a whore for the worst, most lying, deceitful president in the history of our nation and if you ask her, she will tell you how proud she is of that fact. She reminds me of the pretty girls (though Mary is homelier than the back side of a barn) in high school who flit around the school like their shit don't stink and then when you point out they're wrong or when you catch one of them with their skirt shoved into their pantyhose after relieving themselves, they resort to saying things like, "Those shoes don't match your outfit" or "You're the one that is stupid because who is dating the soccer goalie out of the two of us? Huh?". They're masters at diverting the truth of the matter and putting the whole argument back on the messenger. Mary Matalin and Ann Coulter are pathetic creatures. I suppose Americans wouldn't react negative to them the way we do if these two would have a softness in their eyes which would give us a hint that they truly are joking, but it is not there. Nope. When you watch Ann Coulter her eyes narrow into an Evil triangle, because she is reflecting the hate inside her. If a comedian had those same eyes and the same look, the audience wouldn't laugh at any of the jokes. A smile or a gleem in the eye is a giveaway that one is joking! Instead, these two have faces that are dead.
It's amazing that no one is picking up on the fact that Mary Matalin was beating the drums of war as part of the WHIPs (White House Iraq Group) in the White House and invoking the 9/11 attack on our nation (the deaths of 3,000 Americans mind you!) as a reason for her Fuehrer to start an illegal war on lies! But, apparently that was okay to do. And then there is Ann Coulter. She too has used the deaths of 3,000 Americans to tell a portion of the American population that we are not American and that we hate our country because we don't agree with her boss' Agenda either! Oh and the millions she has made on these dead husbands! Had Bill Clinton lied our country into war and used 9/11 as a reason for going (along with the countless other lies Bush used!), Ann STILL would have made millions and millions of dollars off the backs of America's dead! Shameful, hateful, and an abomination to our country these two women are.
Matalin and Coulter are hateful human beings. Should either one die horrifically at some point in the future, I will remember their words. I will. I will never forget it and I will make sure their families are lambasted for talking about them after Mary and Ann's death. Hey, if I don't use their deaths as a way to seek revenge on the opposing political party, according to Ann & Mary, I will be unpatriotic and anti-American! So, you reap what you sew HARPYs.

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