Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Murder is on the rise...

...and it looks like it's because of the lack of funding for police etc. A society always reflects it leaders and I'm so longing for blow jobs to be back on the rise as they were in the 1990's! But of course, we live in Bush's killing society now. For those that aren't actually committing the act of killing, well, they're online spouting how much they would love to kill everyone who doesn't support their Fuehrer in the White House! 2008 can't come fast enough for me. In fact, I'll settle for impeachment or hearings that will force the lying, stinking, killers to resign! I don't care but I can't wait for all of them to be gone.

kay you'll never find any white stains on any of the bush's men's suit jackets, they all swallow.. bill
LOL Bill, true. Even if there was to be a white stain somewhere on someone's dress (or suit pants because we all know there are many homos in the republican party!), we all know the republicans would give themselves time to dry clean it. Criminals. LOL
Hmmm. Seems to me that most counties have self-funded sheriff departments, and it's also true that Bush has not vetoed a single spending bill presented to him by Congress, so if "police" are not being funded, it's not because Bush somehow 'robbed' or stole the money for use elsewhere.

Also it ought to be pointed out that most of the killings are done in major cities run by Democratic mayors, not by Republican ones.
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