Wednesday, June 14, 2006


The Pentagon is schitzophrenic

Poor Pentagon. They can't even keep pace with themselves because they try and try and try to keep the truth from coming out by using propaganda to make the US prison in Guantamano, Cuba (GITMO prison) seem like a nice place to vacation. But the next thing we know we have three prisoners killing themselves in a suicide pact and because the Pentagon is always telling us that all prisoners are under 24-hour surveillance, Americans are left scratching their heads to figure out what is going on! So today, the Pentagon Brownshirt is now running around like a chicken with his head cut off, because he knows the suicides make them all look bad, and he has decided to issue to the public (through the military first) a handbook of sorts that describes what they (the US military in Cuba) are doing when they are torturing a prisoner (as if that will make everything hunkydory now for God's sake! The American people do not want American soldiers to be TORTURING ANYONE!). For a moment, one would think that maybe the Pentagon is finally being transparent because they're 'opening up'. Nope, the asshole propagandist in the Pentagon decided instead to kick out the media today. So much for transparency. Let's go back to thinking the Pentagon is evil. I know I am, though, I did have my reservations they would be able to hold a 'just stance' for longer than 4 seconds. I keep forgetting that our Pentagon is being run by a Hitler-like, schitzophrenic, asshole. My mistake.

....and of course you are presupposing that none of the people (civilians and military) appointed to the Pentagon during the 8 years of Bill Clinton aren't still there (which they are, of course).

You are also presupposing that only soldiers work in the Pentagon, which is also false. The building is full of civilians, many of whom are Democrats.

Of course, you could know this by simply visiting the place (or even walking by any day at the public metro stop that pulls up right outside...) but that would require a bit of intellectual honesty and self control... which is why it's much easier to remain in the fantasy land of anti-military Leftism thinking that the "Pentagon" is monolithic politically and militarily!
And what happens to a person at the Pentagon if they speak out against YOUR FUEHRER? What happens when they blow the whistle on the atrocities that Bush and the Pentagon are behind? Oh yeah, that's right! They get fired!

If the Pentagon was full of democrats, THEN THE WAR IN IRAQ NEVER WOULD HAVE STARTED MORON.
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