Friday, June 16, 2006


Poooooor Karl Rove....he has competition and doesn't like it

Karl Rove is attacking the Internet now. He's saying that the left is using it to spread hate and anger towards the Bush Brownshirts and his Kingdom and all republicans in general. Well guess what? He's right! Hey, we could protest in the streets and then storm the White House Bastille with torches in hand but it is much nicer talking with Americans across the nation from the privacy of our home! But, Karl doesn't like it. He's been spewing hate and anger for years now but he's done it the republican way: by stealing elections by using Diebold machines, by spinning everything political, by using doublespeak, and by using propaganda to lie to the nation and to divert the nation's attention away from the important matters! But, he's on the phone all day and travelling to get his job done. We bloggers on the other hand have to know how to type and can just sit back, relax, and have debate without ever having to leave our homes! It's wonderful.
Remember all the Clinton bashing in the 1990's? Damn, it would have been nice to have been blogging then! So, we're just paying Rove and the rest of his minions back for all the lambasting of Clinton and his character by bringing up Bush's failures, incompetencies, and his ignorance on a daily basis. Pay back is a bitch, isn't it Karl?
Of course, at some point, the Fascists will do away with blogging all together. Yup, one day we'll wake up and all blogs will be wiped off the Internet. Fascist Karl Rove will be so happy should that happen because then he won't have competition anymore. Fascists don't like competetion.

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