Monday, June 19, 2006


Remember the good ole days of the Whitewater scandal?

Ah yes, the good ole days of the Whitewater scandal. That scandal, which was one of many that the republicans brought forth against the Clintons during the 1990's, is nothing compared to what Dennis Hastert has done. Hell, if I remember correctly, Bill & Hillary lost money on their land deal, spent millions trying to prove they did nothing wrong because of that fact, and in the end there wasn't a stitich of evidence coming from the Ken Starr camp and they were found not guilty. Oh but...not ole Dennis. No no. Dennis has made millions from his land deal and he even got the government to help out! Wow! Amazing how unethical all these 'ethical republicans of the 1990's" have turned out to be! Which brings me to this question: what does the word 'moral' mean to a republican? It's moral if they're doing it? I think so.

According to the facts, 15 people associated with the Clintons DID get convicted for breaking the law, so it wasn't much ado about nothing....

I don't mind that you hope Dennis to be guilty. Maybe he is. But he's not been PROVEN guilty. But 15 of Clinton's cronies were given their day in court and proven guilty.

To claim otherwise is to simply be blind to reality.
Now if Dennis broke any law, I as a conservative American am just fine with him being charged and tried. If he's proven guilty, I'm OK with him going to jail.

But just because you make money doesn't automatically make you a criminal - Democrat or Republican. I think Kerry's a cad for leaving his first (rich) wife for a second (far richer woman), but he didn't break any civil law doing so.

I dislike the politics of many Republicans too - but that doesn't give me the right to PRESUME them guilty merely because I dislike them.
And guess what? MANY ARE BEING CONVICTED AROUND BUSH TOO!!!! Look at the House of Reps for God's sake! And all the other corrupt Bush friends scattered across the country. Hell, we have one of his minions living here in Maine. He was responsible for jamming the democrats phone lines in the last election and is facing jail time!!!!

CLINTON WASN'T PROVEN GUILTY EITHER, but yet, YOU STILL HATE HIM AND CONDONE HIM! Wake up and read what you're writing. You're stupid.
Also, Kerry after the Vietnam war has spent the rest of his life as a public servant to the people of Massachusetts and to America. What did Bush do after he dodged the war and his service to his country? PARTIED HIS ASS OFF! He and his family are hated here in Maine because the assholes were assholes back then! They still are! No one likes them. Oh, but the shop owners do...only because of the tourists.

I have no problem with wealthy people so long as they are doing good with their money. People like Bush and Cheney steal their money and start wars to make their friends even more wealthier. Those are the only kind of wealthy people I don't like: THE GREEDY ONES.
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