Monday, June 19, 2006


Some troops in Iraq will be leaving next month...

The new prime minister of Iraq is asking British, Japanese, and Australian troops to leave his country by the end of next month, so Iraqi forces can take over. I think that is great news for the time being and let's hope Bush gets his act together and comes up with a REAL timetable for withdrawl that prime minister Maliki has asked him for. This will be the real test for the republican party, because last week they were gloating as they brought forth a war resolution to stay the course to make the democrats look soft on the war, but in reality, the Iraqis want us to get the hell out. Democrats know that and feel that and as usual....the republicans are out of touch on the situation as they are all situations! So, it seems for now the republicans little scheme last week has backfired. Ha ha. Good.

The "Plan" has always included a drawdown of US forces - if you go back (I know you guys never go back) and read the major speeches and position papers from 2003 you'll see that the admin. always sought to drop the number of troops to around 30,000.

As for the Iraqis wanting us to leave - not according to any of the Iraqis I know or the Iraqi blogs I've seen, or the reports from real Iraqis on the ground.... they want A DROP IN TOTAL US TROOP NUMBERS, NOT A TOTAL PULL OUT.

Because they're not stupid. They know that US dollars and attention follow US troops - and they see that virtually every country on earth with a sizable US troop presence reap a stabilizing economic boon.

The plan is going...according to plan.
You're such a liar.

First of all, at the end of last year during the time the Iraqis were holding an election, WE INCREASED OUR SOLDIERS BY @ 20,000 troops. So, if Bush reduces our force right now by 21,000, he'll only be reducing it by 1,000. Get it moron?

Have you noticed the value of a dollar nowadays? You might want to tell 'your Iraqi friends' all about it. We're losing our power. The Euro is gaining ground and Iran is considering selling their oil on the markets at the Euro rate.

The plan was to get into Iraq to steal the oil and then hoard it to drive up prices across the planet. It worked. As far as the real war is going, Bush flunked. He has ignored it because his corporate cronies have been making their money. That's all he cares about.
Huh? Reading comprehension was never your strong suit I guess. The "plan" wasn't to reduce troops BY 30,000 BUT TO DROP THE TOTAL TO 30,000.... Guess how many troops we have in Korea (which we don't control politically, economically, or militarily)?

As for the weak dollar, well it was only last month that the Left was hyperventilating over our "trade deficit"; the USA was buying more foreign made goods than foreign countries were buying our goods. That was considered by the Left as 'A BAD THING'.

A 'weak dollar' reverses this trend by making US goods CHEAPER than their competitors in foreign countries which helps us CREATE JOBS DOMESTICALLY. This was considered by the Left as A GOOD THING when Clinton was in office. If it's SUDDENLY BAD now, it's because the Left is animated by hate not reason.

Finally, you are obviously clueless about how oil's fungible, it's sold on the open market. Our troops and our companies don't OWN THE OIL. Iraq does. We BUY IT FROM THEM - just as we BUY IT FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, VENEZUELA, NIGERIA, RUSSIA...etc. We also buy it on the open market - so some comes from Canada or Europe too, depending on the DIFFERENCES IN BUYING POWER BETWEEN DOLLARS AND EUROS.

But you hate Bush so you think that any evil intention you can imagine him having is instantly true - just because you imagined it. And any economic theory you cook up is true - just because you cooked it up! And this is why you are NOT A MILLIONAIRE!

Prices of oil go up not because "we horded it" but because India and China ARE GROWING ECONOMIES - SUCKING UP MORE OIL AS THEY GROW (and thus feed their poor populations). When you have a more or less steady supply + growing demand, you get increased costs....which have the effect of making the commodity more profitable and hence drives entreprenuers to invest in more oil wells, refineries, etc. so as to boost supply...thereby eventually dropping prices (if politicians leave them alone).

But this is economics 101, not Marxist bullsh*** 101, which is why you don't understand it.

Why is China and India growing? OH YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! WE'RE GIVING THEM ALL OF OUR JOBS!!!!! Idiot.

And yes, I hate Bush. Have hated his family since the early 1980s...thanks for noticing.

Wait until we illegally invade Iran after Bush and Cheney forge their evidence to take us there! Gas prices will soar because they'll hoard Iran's oil and won't sell it on the world markets, so therefore, THE LESS OIL TO BE SOLD ON THE MARKETS THE HIGHER THE PRICES! If YOUR OIL MAGGOTS IN THE WHITE HOUSE WOULD TELL THEIR OIL MAGGOTS TO START REFINING FASTER (using their huge profits to update their systems would be a good start to achieve that!) or STOP HOARDING THE OIL THEY HAVE (some oil tankers were seen by Maine fishermen a few years ago off the coast...they weren't coming in to deliver....which drove up the prices!)!

Stop listening to Ass Limbo. He's making you stupid.
Calm down.

It's a good thing for the world that India and China are growing economies - less poor people, more markets for OUR goods and services.... economic growth is not a zero sum game where someone's gain is another person's loss. Bill Gates isn't rich because he went around stealing money from widows and orphans, he's rich because he invented something useful that everyone wanted and freely chose to spend money on.

You can hate Microsoft, but you can't claim they steal money from customers. No one is forced to buy their products.

There hasn't been a new refinery built in 30 years not because of 'oil maggots' but because the environmentalists have made it impossible to get zoning permits to open new sites... much like they did to the Nuclear power plant industry.
Bill Gates stole other people's ideas (Linux), and applied a memory hogging GUI (Graphical User Interface) so that the mass morons could view "pretty pictures". Also, The "Windows" Operating system now has what's labeled as "Windows Genuine Advantage" which they tell us is to ensure that you have an authentic copy of the operating system in order to get its proper updates. In reality it is sending back encrypted info, on what we all do on our computers, to the NSA. A pretty scary society we live in when we can't trust our governement, media and local law enforcement.
Regardless of the info and the shouting back and forth at each other over the current issues that we've been facing since this administration has taken over in 2000, it's a shame the energy wasted. Only a 1/3 of this country votes and half of that voted red while the other half voted blue. the remaining 2/3 do not vote due to ignorance or age. We've been at odds since 2000 and still are now. The American society is always a reflection of who's in office at the time and I think the we're all a bunch of assholes! We deserve what we get from other countries for this. Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, regardless of the facts, and know in your heart that something is really wrong. Our society is also reflecting that. This president has committed treasons against our country and should be shot for what he's done but due to having congress made up of mostly conservaties, he can get away with anything. We've become so desensitized to it due to their propaganda that nothing is being done about it due to the mass morons that are stuck in front of their TV's believing this shit. There is no reason for the ignorance in this country when we've got the internet but the conservatives are trying to take that away also... Google that!
"Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, regardless of the facts, and know in your heart that something is really wrong."

Well, if the facts go against gut feelings, then those feelings are simply wrong.

You are describing phenomenologically what many who suffer clinical depression experience: a disconnect between what they feel and what they KNOW to be true.

The solution isn't to get angry, bubble and froth with murderous rage and scapegoat people. The solution is to go with what your mind KNOWS, not what your GUT feels.

Otherwise how can dialogue or diplomacy solve anything? If we let our feelings rule us we're doomed to civil war and eventually anarchy.

I disagree with Democrats' ideas, I don't HATE them personally.
"regardless of the facts" should not have been in there, sorry!
Thanks for the diagnosis though...
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