Friday, June 23, 2006


Stop the presses! Seven (7) American flags were burnt in NY

These flag burnings were acts of vandalism because the flags were burnt by kids and done to seven different families in one particular neighborhood, but normally I don't have a problem with flag burning. Most people in this country do not burn the flag. If you can name a person in your life who has burnt the flag because of their discontent with America, you are a rarity! I've never set the American flag on fire, though, I have spent a considerable amount of time lately visualizing myself doing it, because I am so angry with the WarPigs in Washington, DC and with what they've done to our country and it's reputation. But to actually take the flag and light it on fire....never done it.

As I was reading down through this article I had a couple of good chuckles. Why? Because the people in the neighborhood who had been affected by this vandalism expressed their patriotism but then said this:

Andre Mahe thought a fire in his garbage can early yesterday was caused by a cigarette until he noticed his flag missing. "I thought, you're kidding me," he said. "They're burning flags. Around here?" His flag goes up, he said, every year after Memorial Day.

and this,

"The flag, it's part of America," Ms. Coyle said. "Of course we're going to put up another one right away."

I just find both statements to be so funny. If burning the flag was so finite and since so many in our country consider our flag to be precious and 'alive', then why only fly it after Memorial Day til the end of summer and why buy another one immediately? Did the other flag which is now gone from being torched not really mean that much in the first place? I think you get my drift. Burning the American flag does not harm our country in any way. America will stand proudly even if the flag is cremated. It's no different than peeling the Campbell soup label off the can...the food is still in it, the can is still whole, and the Campbell soup company didn't fold in on itself when the label was removed!

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