Sunday, June 18, 2006


Why is the military keeping the identities of the 2 missing US soldiers secret?

Is this story an indication of why the two American soldiers who are missing in Iraq right now haven't had their nationalities divulged to the public or their names either? Are they Mexican soldiers who were promised the world and brought to our country to join our armed services and the military wants to keep it a secret? Could be! This could be why Press Secretary Tony Snow said recently on Fox News that the media shouldn't be concentrating on the story of the missing soldiers!

UPDATE: The Defense Department on Monday identified the missing men as Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore. It said Spc. David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield, Mass., was killed in the attack.

Well, okay, I was wrong in my assumption on why the soldier's identities were not released. This is what happens though when your government is secretive about everything! When you have them not releasing the names of the soldiers for days and then you have Tony Snow the Press Secretary saying to America that Americans and the media need to basically ignore this story, well, conspiracies abound! If the current government would act like our government did before the 2000 election, we'd be better informed and wouldn't have to resort to figuring it out ourselves.

Now, that is very interesting. The link to an article at is no longer available! I wonder where it went.....I can only imagine. If the government is still looking at my blog, then I have a sneaking suspicion that is why the link is no longer assessible!
I went to and the article is still there if you're interested in reading it. It's about Father's Day and how one American father of a deceased soldier is feeling about his death on this Father's day.
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