Friday, June 16, 2006


Wow! The fake evidence is pouring in on Iran!

Remember the document that convinced our Senate that Saddam Hussein was trying to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger? Remember the democrats who were on the Senate Intelligence Committee who didn't vote for the war because they knew in an instant the document was faked and forged (proven later and their suspicion was right!)? Well, because Bush and his War Swines want to go to war with Iran, more fake evidence is popping up! Yup, even Dick Cheney goes on Fox News and says, "assuming they are authentic", when describing these new found documents. So, what are the documents and where were they found? Remember the al-Zarqawi killing a week ago where two 500 pound bombs were dropped on the building he was in and leveled the place to the ground? Well, apparently paper documents survived intact! Wow! That was some kind of bomb to do that! Turns out (my tongue is way in my cheek now), these documents prove that al-Qaida is waning and they are depressed about their status. Oh yeah, and it also says that more bombings should happen to rile everything up so America has to go to war with another country (Iran)! Wow! Isn't it funny that al-Qaida wants to help the American leaders badly? It's my feeling that al-Qaida is a Bush family owned and operated death squad and has been since Bush Sr. trained Osama back in the 1980's through our CIA to fight the Russians from Afghanistan (al-Qaida was born in an instant!). This could explain why al-Zarqawi was seen on the video fumbling with an American machine gun and was wearing American sneakers. For a guy who hates us, he sure loves our stuff!
So, don't be fooled. The propaganda war for Iran is coming starring Bush, Cheney, Rummy, and the rest of the Swines. Instead of Rocco Martino stealing Niger letterhead from the Niger Embassy in Rome, Italy to be used to create the forged evidence....who will the Bush Swines use this time to orchestrate their little play? Who knows. Now that they picked out their new al-Qaida leader Boogeyman, I can't wait to find out! Act II is going to be a stunner, I'm sure. (spit)

Do you know ANYTHING about munitions and the effects bombs have on things? Normal explosive bombs don't burn things to ash like Hollywood explosions do. They kill mainly by shrapnel and concussion, not by fire-ball.

Given the cinder-block construction (not much combustible materials there) in Iraq, HE (high explosive) bombs blow things UP, they don't burn things up.

500lbs. is alot of stuff, but our guys get blown up by IEDs that big and still survive so it's not miraculous that he survived - if he were standing towards the back of a building whose front door gets blown up, he could have been sheilded by the building from the shrapnel and part of the blast effects.

Paper or a laptop wouldn't have been incinerated at all. Especially if they were hidden in some underground tunnel or hidden nook or crany (as was custom).

But rather than think this through rationally, do some google research on explosives and Iraqi construction techniques, you knee-jerk an assumption about the paper or laptop and assume they must be fakes if the info is beneficial to the USA in any way.

Well, it sucks to be so ideologically blinkered as to not allow for things like easily researched facts to get in the way of presuppositions as yours.

I predict the GOP is going to pick up seats in both House and Senate this fall and we'll do so because of the utter moon-battery of angry people like you giving the Democratic party a decidedly bad image.
Did you see the picture of the building moron? Leveled to the ground!

Boy, you trust the government to be honest to you don't you? For God's sake, the Niger letterhead with all the 'proof' YOUR PRESIDENT needed, WAS A FORGED DOCUMENT. It's funny....Cheney & Libby take a trip to Italy in early 2002 and presto! A guy named Rocco Martino breaks into the Niger Embassy in Rome, Italy and steals some letterhead! Wow! Interesting that no democrat senator on the Senate Intelligence Committee upon viewing this letterhead voted for the war. Hmmmmmm....they knew it was a forgery. But you neocon trust Bush and his Oil Maggots to be honest. Idiot.

If the republicans pick up more seats, all the seats, or whatever, then we will know who to blame for out country going straight to hell! YOUR PARTY WILL BE TO BLAME. I will sit back and laugh at you. In fact, I will spit on you for supporting a dictatorship rather than a democracy for America. Your fault....always will be.
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