Monday, July 31, 2006


Another great quote....

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. " ~ Thomas Jefferson

And yet the Left is totally in favor of gun control, banning so-called "assault rifles", banning or making it extremely difficult for civilians to learn how to use and practice with firearms and reserving all power to the Police in major cities like DC...

You LOVE POWERFUL GOVERNMENT AND WEAK PEOPLE - all your political strongholds are established via an all powerful court and bureaucratic regime, not liberty and 'power to the people'. Not in school choice, not in welfare reform, not in empowering communities to fund their own projects...

Something tells me that if Hillary wins in 08 you'll suddenly discover the wonders of an all powerful presidency.
So, what you're saying is the Bush Cartel hates having any power and this is why they ignore the laws in our country? Huh? Do you know who you're talking to asswipe?

The Bush Cartel runs all levels of government right now. If you don't like the way the US Supreme Court is and the rules they are changing, THEN BITCH TO YOUR FUEHRER!

NAME ONE DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT WHO TOOK YOUR GUNS AWAY? You can't...hasn't happened and it never will. What's wrong with regulation? Oh yeah, that's right...YOUR PARTY HATES RULES AND LAWS AND WANTS TO DO WHATEVER THEY FEEL LIKE! Hell, YOUR PARTY will be happy with 6 year olds buying guns from child molesters in the park! YOUR PARTY IS RIDICULOUS AND IRRATIONAL!!!!!!!!! Always has been and always will be.

If you don't like all the political strongholds, TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR FUEHRER AND HIS FRIENDS!

YOUR PARTY hates funding the elderly, the poor, the disabled, and the weak! My party controlled all levels of government and the poor and others mentioned above were taken care of, YOU WOULD SHIT YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!

Keep thinking Hillary is going to get the ticket in 2008! You're gonna be surprised when she doesn't. Ha ha. What are your fascist pigs going to talk about then? Awwwww, can't say the word "blow job" huh? Awwwwwwww. Poor babies.
Kay, I'm starting to get jealous...all these people getting banned, but not me. Why, I ask myself. Am I just too nice to get banned?

We're basically learning by doing, but please come check us out at
So you think Bush is Hitler and it's all a one-party dictatorship....but still hope for electoral victories in 06 and 08?

Or you think the GOP is just a second away from imposing Martial Law and theocracy...a second away from rolling in tanks to crush liberals...but you refuse to arm yourselves with more than cuss words?

Something just doesn't make any sense.

And as for "the poor" - Conservatives do FAR FAR more for "the poor" than Liberals do, because we use our own money and time rather than 'outsource' our charity to tax payers via Government subsidies.

While Planned Parenthood gets $300 MILLION of taxpayer dollars PER YEAR, pro-lifers who run 3,000 homes for unwed moms get ZERO.

Foodbanks, shelters, soupkitchens... we take care of millions of people, volunteering, etc. out of common decency while wild-eyed leftist loonies caterwall on and on about "global warming" but don't DO ANYTHING to actually help Seniors in hot homes.

We do. Conservatives are people who don't wait for government to do something and bitch about them "not doing enough"; we ASSUME government won't do it or quickly enough or right, and so fundraise on our own and take care of people directly.

As for gun laws - every state that is controlled by Democrats has very draconian gun laws, making it extremely difficult and expensive for law abiding citizens to buy and practice....and these cities and states ALSO have huge problems with crime. Mostly Democrat on Democrat crime I may add.
Hi RevPhat! What the heck? LOL Maybe you should tell it like it is why a ping of sarcasm and anger? Hey wait a minute! You are doing that and not getting banned. Dammit.....maybe it's because you're a Reverend? Could be! Maybe "someone" doesn't want to get struck by lightening? :-)
Who says I'm not armed because I'm a liberal? Huh? YOUR PARTY? Wow! Boy, you believe the propaganda spewed at your for years now, don't you? You're pathetic. Just remember Asshole, when Martial Law sets in you'll be affected too but you think George W. Bush is on your side, don't you? You don't THINK THE NRA WOULD EVER TURN ON YOU AND RELEASE YOUR RECORDS TO THE GOVERNMENT SO THE GOVERNMENT WILL KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE AND COME AND DISARM YOU, HUH? You completely trust the Assholes who you support? Wow! Glad I'm not an imbecile like you who thinks that life is a one way street!

I know you hate regulation especially when it comes to your guns. YOUR PARTY HATES BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS! We know! Stop telling us what we already know to be true. You're the criminals of our society. As far as your comment that democrats commit more crimes........PROVE IT!

I don't help Seniors? Who was beside my grandmother's death bed? Or how bought last year when I helped a friend who was struggling with breast cancer, who almost died, but licked it in the end? Huh?

Am I responsible for all elderly in this nation? Is that what you're saying? Idiot!

When I find it, I'm going to post THE PIE CHART OF WHERE OUR MONEY GOES EVERY YEAR.........AND YOU'RE GOING TO SEE THAT MOST OF OUR BUDGET GOES TO BOMBS TO KILL PEOPLE!!!!!! (and of course, a lot of that money is stolen by the very people who receive it....$3-4 Billion missing at the Department of Defense but don't come crying to me! They misplaced it. Uh Huh. (IF A PERSON ON WELFARE SAYS THAT THEY LOST THEIR $72.00 FOOD STAMPS FOR THE MONTH.........YOUR PARTY GOES ON A RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!)

I have news for you, Kay. The moment anyone purchases a gun in this country a record is created - not by the NRA, but by the police background check system which automatically tracts name, address and type of firearm purchased. (that is, it tracts whether it was an "assault rifle", long arm, or pistol - not actual make or model).

So the government ALREADY knows who owns guns. That's what Police do everytime they stop someone in traffic - run an instant background check which includes info on whether or not they've ever bought a gun.

The NRA has nothing to do with it.

I'm glad you help people - so do I. Just goes to show you shouldn't make moral judgements about people you don't know based solely on their politics. I hope you'll now admit to being wrong about me.

The chart you are looking for is:

But unlike you, I read the fine print and * points, which qualify their chart... they only include Income tax...but we all get taxed for Social Security and Medicade TOO. So it's apples to oranges to sniff that you're really only talking income tax. To get the total picture you need to include ALL taxes... and in that case, military expeditures are 19% of budget. Most of the 'former military' expenses are for PENSIONS AND MEDICINE... hardly 'guns and bombs' and one supposes a DEMOCRAT-SOCIALIST regime would continue healthcare to the it's not like your utopia would do away with those expenses.
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