Thursday, July 13, 2006


Darth Cheney is getting his arse sued by Valerie Plame

Good. And not only is Valerie suing Cheney, she's suing as part of this law suit...Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and 10 other unnamed officials connected to the most treasonous administration to walk the hallways in the People's House! Won't it be delicious to see all of these criminals put under Oath in a courtroom? I think so. Of course, there is the chance that the Cabal will 'suicide' Valerie, so I hope Valerie is protecting herself.

Why doesn't she sue the journalist who actually wrote the story naming her as a CIA employee?

Also, please explain how her job was ruined - she worked at LANGLEY AS AN ANALYST! She still has that job, unless she quit on her own...kinda of hard to claim her career was ruined by the admin. when it was a journalist who wrote a story (hello New York Times), which merely mentioned that she worked for the CIA as an analyst.

She will lose, but facts won't matter as this is all much ado about nothing. Bring it on Valerie.
Okay, stupid, here are my answers to your questions! Pay attention!!!

Valerie Plame was a CIA operative. If she was sitting at a picnic table on her day off and was eating lobster while doing it, she would still be an operative. She could literally take a 2 week vacation, which means that she would actually have to leave her office at Langley and head to the airport, and guess what? SHE WOULD STILL BE A CIA OPERATIVE WORKING FOR A HIGHLY CLASSIFIED MISSION! Do you get that moron? There were 150 spies who worked for Brewster Jennings. your mind up. Do you think all 150 employees were all in the same offices in Iran together spying on the Iranian's nuclear programs? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be too obvious that they were spying on the Iranians had they done that! She could have not gone over there for two years, BUT HER CONNECTION TO THE GROUP AT BREWSTER JENNINGS WAS NOT KNOWN. People working down the hall to the left, didn't know what she was doing. Get it now?

And!!!! Novak, as much as I despise him (never have liked him), has protections under the laws of our country. He was given PERMISSION BY THE BUSH CARTEL TO PRINT THE INFORMATION!!!!!!! Get that moron? It wasn't like Novak broke into the offices of the CIA and stole the information. The information came FROM THE WHITE HOUSE for God's sake! It's illegal for anyone to OUT a CIA agent/operative (do you know how many boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives have gone to jail for outing their significant other? Lots! So, the Bush Cartel indeed could have the infomration on Valerie BUT THEY WERE NOT ENTITLED TO TELL THE PUBLIC THE INFORMATION........ESPECIALLY DURING A TIME OF WAR. Can you say treason?

Think no one died as a result of her identity and the name of the covert front company the CIA created for her and the others? Well, the CIA has a stone memorial on their premises and they will list out those who died in the line of duty. But....sometimes instead of a name, there will be a star instead. Why? BECAUSE THESE INDIVIDUALS WERE COVERT AND WORKED ON HIGHLY CLASSIFIED MISSIONS AND EVEN AFTER DEATH......THEIR IDENTITIES CANNOT BE MADE PUBLIC. The interesting part? In 2003, there is ONE STAR between two other operatives. Did this person die as a result of Bush & Cheney acting treasonous? I think so! We'll never know because it was a highly classified mission that was being worked on by that person!

Any questions neocon? Do you need me to clarify anything else for you?!!!!

You're insane with your hatred against liberals who are 300% smarter than you'll ever be. You're so angry and bitter. I'm glad you come here so I can teach you a lesson. (Do those words sound familiar? ROFLMAO!!!)
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