Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Homeland Security has released their list of terror targets today...

...and they've listed flea markets, popcorn factories, and "a beach at the end of street" in Indiana as al-Qaida's #1 targets! Oh for the love of the Bologna Hoagie Sandwich......what are these morons thinking! Are they children with an imagination so great that even a kindergarden teacher would be impressed? Stunning. Is the Empire State Building on the list? Nope. Is the Sears tower on the list? Nope. Is the NY subway system on the list? Nope. But freaking Amish flea markets are!!!!!!
Feeling safe now knowing the Bush's imbeciles are working hard on faking out the masses? Well, you shouldn't!
Surprisingly, lemonade stands, bowling alleys, and knitting groups were not on the list! What were they thinking to not include those targets, huh? Hey, if they're going to be delusional with such granduer, they might as well go all the way. Yeah, I think it would have been more affective if they had added in cemetaries where all the dead people hang out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but of course they did include morturaries on the list so they were on the right trail! Oh for the love of the Quarter Pounder With Cheese....
All I'm going to say is I believe 'al-Qaida' is a Bush family created death squad (kind of like John Negroponte's death squads under Reagan/Bush Sr.). If you notice al-Qaida always seems to be there to help them meet their goals for their Evil Agenda. 9/11? Yep, that helped them. Chaos in Iraq? Yup, al-Qaida is there to keep the chaos going so American troops can stay to protect American corporate interests (which is all they've been protecting since Bush illegally invaded and occupied Iraq in March 2003). Creating a joke list of al-Qaida targets? Yup, it keeps the fear going especially if one put non-targets on the list to convince dumb Americans in small town America that they too could get bit by the al-Qaida Boogeyman!
Anyways, here's how I see it. Bush Sr. trained Osama bin Laden during the late 1980's through our CIA to train him to fight the Russians when Osama first went to Afghanistan. Bush Sr. relied on him and I believe he does to this day too. The interesting part is that al-Qaida was born shortly after this training and al-Qaida seems to follow the Bushes around especially when they need an Agenda completed! Notice how Bush Sr. during the 4 years of his presidency never mentioned Osama and al-Qaida as being a threat to our nation. His tenure ends and he is outraged that Clinton got in and a month later al-Qaida operatives attack the 1993 WTC (in which Clinton tracked down and jailed which I'm sure made Bush Sr. and his al-Qaida thugs very mad). From that moment on Clinton was watching Osama and his Thugs but there was never a comment from Bush Sr. (about what he knew etc.) during those eight years. Fast forward to 2000 and Baby Bush IGNORES all the PDBs (Presidential Daily Briefings) that were coming across his lawn chair as he vacationed that said al-Qaida was getting ready to attack again. Why would he do that? Oh yeah! I know! Osama is the Bush family's private death squad who carry out missions for them to disrupt world markets or to keep chaos going across the globe (which affects oil prices!), so it made sense that the Baby would ignore these warnings because 9/11 was something that he and his PNAC Cabal were waiting for! Osama to the rescue again.
Homeland Security is a joke, but then again, if al-Qaida is really working for your president's family and friends, well, then it's not so funny when they release a list of targets and you know deep down they are laughing their asses off as they release it, because they know damn well that the Bush family gives out the real targets! So, they make up shit just to make it look good.
We were duped on 9/11 and have been duped by the Bush family and all the thugs who work for this family for years. Time to end it. This family no matter how bad they want not a dynasty. They're traitors to our country and will always be known as that.

You do realize that DHS isn't entirely staffed by Political appointees and Republicans right? Not every civil servant is GOP or a "neocon" simply because a Republican is in the whitehouse.

I AGREE that the list is stupid...but just like the DHS manager who was fired for kiddie porn - who turned OUT TO BE A LIFELONG DEMOCRAT! - don't be too quick to assume the list was cooked up by some scheming White House or Republican.

You assume all bad news is intentionally created by republicans before the facts come out... well, not so fast.
It's very easy to assume because your president has surrounded himself with people who have the same mindset as him and who don't linger too far away from that objective.

The list is silly and just goes to show you HOW MUCH THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR COUNTRY AND OUR SAFETY. They're making a mockery out of our government (which ran well before 2000). But that is part of the plan, isn't it? These guys want 'less government' (though as usual...under a republican president the government triples in size!) and want to prove to Americans that government 'doesn't work', so this is why they release these dumbass lists of targets that make even a 4th grader laugh hysterically. They want us to think..."What is wrong with government? How can they get it so wrong all the time?". Eventually, people will say, "You know, we don't need government. It would be run better if we just had a Unitary Executive at the top running the a dictatorship.". That's what the Bush Cartel is obviously hoping for!!!
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