Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Karl Rove was a leaker....

...and the asshole got away with it! This is the most criminal and most corrupt administration ever in the history of our nation. Thought a blow job was bad during the 1990's? Nothing compares to what the Bush Cabal has done to the integrity of the Oval office and the integrity of our nation! They're thugs, plain and simple. Of course, right before the news broke, Bush decided to give everyone in his office a raise in which Karl Rove got one too. Disgusting. Who wants to bet that Karl Rove will get the highest honor in the land now for a US citizen: the Medal of Freedom. It wouldn't surprise me. Criminals always pat the back of other criminals.

"This is the most criminal and most corrupt administration ever in the history of our nation."

Substantiate this claim please.

You can't. No one from the Admin has been jailed for crimes. So far only one has been indicted - meanwhile by this time in Clinton's admin dozens of his people were canned.

In American law, a person is presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. Just because you hate someone or hate someone by association to Bush, doesn't prove that person is CRIMINAL.

Stupid maybe. Immoral, possibly, but not criminal. WORDS MEAN THINGS. "KNOW" DOES NOT EQUAL "FEEL" OR "OPINE".
Well, isn't that hadn't noticed that the republicans control all the committees in both Houses, huh? So it never occurred to you that the reason why no one has been held accountable is because the Bush Cartel's BROWNSHIRTS in the House & Senate HAVEN'T HELD HEARINGS TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THE HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS COMMITTED BY THE MOST CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION EVER IN OUR HISTORY? Not surprised! You're stupid, neocon. If the democrats controlled one or both houses....WE WOULD HAVE SEEN A SEA OF HANDCUFFS AND HEARINGS!

Spying on Americans before 9/11

Spying on Americans after 9/11

Outing a CIA operative during a time of war out of revenge

750 signing statements done by Bush to ignore the laws of our country

Bush signing a Bill that did not pass both the House & Senate (very illegal! John Conyers has filed a lawsuit)

Illegally occupying a sovereign nation

Here are the Articles of Impeachment that are all set and ready to go when the time comes:
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