Saturday, July 22, 2006


Let's take a moment to honor those soldiers who...

...have given their life for the Bush Cartel's financial transaction/occupation called the Iraq War. It's not surprising that the republicans were furious recently when the democratic party aired an advertisement that included pictures of our soldier's flag-draped coffins, because the republicans want Americans to think that fake wars are fun, are for making money, and death is not a part of it. Yeah, yeah, they want us to continue shopping, continue paying $3.00/gallon for gas, and act like everything is peachy keen and that war is fun and doesn't contain any blood or morbid images....and they don't want us to complain about a thing because.....they're "protecting us". Well, America needs to mourn our dead. We shouldn't just do it once a year on Veterans or Memorial day. We need to cry for those who have sacrificed, because if we don't, then many Americans will forget we're at war. Wait! That's why the republicans forced the democrats to take their advertisement off the air recently: THEY WANT AMERICANS TO FORGET WE'RE AT WAR. How nice of them. Makes you wonder how the families of the fallen feel when their government gives that impression to the nation....while their loved ones are being delivered to the United States in the cargo area of a commercial airliner!
Take a minute to remember our fallen and to remember why we are all so angry with the current government. Speak loudly too about how it's an abomination that ANYONE would force an advertisement off the air because of flag-draped coffins.

"yeah, they want us to continue shopping, continue paying $3.00/gallon for gas"

ACTUALLY it's Al Gore's and most liberal democrats pipe dream that the government slap a $3 dollar per gallon TAX on fuel so as to FORCE people to give up SUVs, trucks, and heavy vehicles altogether....

As for the GOP wanting people to forget that we're at war!!! hahahahahahah that's ridiculous. We're the only ones who have been active in HELPING the wounded veterans, their families, their widows and orphans...we're the only ones who attend their funerals and honor their deaths....

Cindy Sheehan brags about her son, but it's conservatives who actually visit the soldier's grave! We know what war is and we know there's a war going on.
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