Saturday, July 15, 2006


Rick Santorum is waaaayyyyyy behind his opponent....

...but ole Ricky thinks he's going to win anyways because he has lots of money in his campaign chest. Uh huh. Well, according to the polls in Pennsylvania, he is 30 percentage points behind his opponent right now. Gee, do you think maybe he's behind because he continues to lie to the voters in Pennsylvania on where he ACTUALLY lives? (Virginia....Tom Delay has also made Virginia his home state now, which tells me this is where all the corrupt republicans in our country go to live!) Or maybe it has something to do with Rick Santorum standing on the floor of the Senate raving about the wmd found in Iraq while rubbing his genitals against the podium because he was so delighted with the news? (only to find out that the report was old and the sarin gas that was found was from 1988 and wouldn't even give a mouse a headache let alone a human being! So, it was non-news and he made himself look like a complete ass!!!) Or maybe it just because Santorum loves our Dear Leader and is willing to go the extra mile for him by putting the gay issue and the flag burning issue on the end of the political fishing line and the voters in Pennsylvania are on to his Evil Ways? Honestly, I think Rick Santorum is sinking because of all of the above. Americans are tired of these right wing whackos.
Americans are in CLEAN-UP MODE right now. Come November, I'm hoping for massive change in our government. If the democrats take back one house...excellent. If they take back both houses...awesome! But if they balance out both houses....we can still have an advantage as well! Americans are wanting change and people like Rick Santorum are going to be swept under the rug by America's big ole broom.

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