Sunday, July 30, 2006


Vile republicans working on behalf of 18 wealthy families against the poor

It's not surprising that the vile republicans are working hard to put more money in the pockets of the uberwealthy in this country. Hell, it's their base and why wouldn't they? They hate the fact that the poor is making $5.15/hr. and don't like the idea of raising it to $7.25/hr over the next two years because that could further hurt the very deep pockets of their corporate whores! Of course, they're forgetting that these large companies are already sending a good portion of their work overseas to avoid paying American taxes, oh, but that won't stop the vile republicans to continue catering to them! Even after death, the republicans in the Congress feel that the uberwealthy should keep their money and not have to pay taxes on it. Meanwhile, the poor of our country is trying to get by on $5.15/hr to pay their bills. Gas prices are at $3.00/gallon, so therefore, should the poor need to fill their 10-gallon gas tank, they have to work six hours to do it! So, the vile republicans have added the Estate Tax repeal to a bill that would also increase minimum wage for the poor. In the eyes of the republicans, this is a fair trade off. Pretty sneaky if you ask me, but then again, when did these 'good Christians' ever do anything to help the poor in this country anyways? They could care less about them! They say that our country spends too much money on the poor and the needy, but yet, they forget to point out that 51% of our budget goes to defense every year and the social programs of our country are lucky to receive even 13% of it and they are also forgetting that many of our soldiers and their families are living on these wages too! Shameful. Outrageous.
If the Senate democrats don't filibuster the Estate Tax repeal being included in this bill, then I am going to scream!!!!!!!!!!! Fifty democrats did vote in favor of this bill, but let's hope they did that so they could filibuster the Estate Tax part of it to show Americans what it is that makes the hearts of republicans bleed with greed. We're counting again on the democrats to stop the madness.

Greed? You want the poor to make more money but that isn't "greed"? What the hell is it then?

You think the government has a RIGHT to seize someone's estate when she dies because...? Why? Because others are poor? So what? Rich people don't become rich by stealing or forcing poor people to cough up money.

It's the Left that wants to pick who wins and loses in this country, rather than allowing people the freedom to make as much or as little as they want.

Raising the minimum wage will lead to fewer low paying jobs and more automation - more robots and computers doing the menial tasks... and more outsourcing and illegal immigrants coming in to do work for less than legal pay.

I know. You hate that poor Americans are lucky to be making $8-10,000 a year. You hate the poor, your elderly grandmother, your disabled veteran, your disabled neighbor, and your 4-toothed wife!

I know. You republicans hate anyone who isn't making over $50 million a year. We know. Stop telling us this.

Now, go lay down with your box of stem cells. I hear one of them calling for you to count the money some more because the money is pretty!!!!!!!!!!
Haha. More middle-class folk voted for Bush and donated to the GOP, whereas more millionaries voted and gave money to the Democrats.

Who hates the poor more - the party that thinks giving them free everything will solve their underlying problems, or the party that actually has promoted changes to education, welfare, etc. to get people working again and thus independent of government?

Family values means personally helping YOUR FAMILY, not waiting for government to do it.

As for stem cells, adult and umbillical cord stem cells have been and ARE CURRENTLY BEING USED TO CURE OVER 2 DOZEN DISEASES... right now, without ANY FEDERAL DOLLARS. They work, they're ethical, and thus, that's where the private investment is going into.

Embyronic stem cells are DECADES away from being used for humans - it's certainly pie in the sky for someone to claim it's an 'either/or' argument; either we kill embryos to take their cells or we let 'the poor' die horrible deaths.

Not at all, we can AND ARE curing 'the poor' right now with adult and umbillical cord stem cells.

But you didn't know this because the liberal MSM has made a concerted effort to down play and cloud the issue, giving liberals their marching orders: ignore real science in the name of 'prospective' or 'hoped for cures' of EVERYTHING, thus setting up the either/or argument that liberals so love to use while claiming to be 'sophisticated' and 'open minded'.

Well, Sloan-Kettering Hospital is one of the best and they are RIGHT NOW using adult and umbilical cord blood stem cells to cure illnesses.
BTW, you have gone on record as 'hating' Bush, the GOP, conservatives, religious people, etc. so it's really choice to claim conservatives are all about "hate"!

If I hated poor people or minorities, I'd want the Democrats to rule them - since you're doing such a marvellous job destroying cities like New Orleans, Cincinnati, Detroit, etc.

Democrats sterilize and abort poor (minority) women as a matter of policy, they promote sexual promiscuity *(via PLANNED PARENTHOOD) knowing full well this will lead to STDs, AIDS, and more abortion...

Is it "love" to promote lifestyles that lead to dependency and an early death? Is it "love" to make people totally dependent on government hand-outs, such that should a disaster strike they are completely incapable of feeding, clothing, sheltering themselves even for 72 hours?

Is it "love" to pit people against each other merely because person A makes $51,000 while person B makes "only" $50,000?

You belong to the party that picks fights - drives wedges between rich and poor, black and white, men and women, adult and children... you are the ones who have promoted polarization in politics by vilifying opponents as "evil" rather than 'wrong'.
A brief history of Republican social policy mistakes:

By 1964, President Johnson had launched the Great Society with the idea that government welfare checks could solve poverty for single mothers. Instead, illegitimacy boomed. By 1968, the problem became so expensive that government could no longer afford it.
Changes were made to welfare in 1968. Whenever government gave a dollar to a single mother, it could collect it back from the father, so long as he was “not in the home”.
What started as a war on poverty effectively became a perverse arrangement taking from poor men to lift poor women out of poverty. Illegitimacy exploded in the aftermath, while marriage rates declined precipitously.
In 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan signed the first no-fault divorce law into existence. Today, no-fault means that no one cares why divorces are filed, whether or not they are responsible acts, or who is drinking, gambling, or cheating. We just turn families over to mothers, kick husbands out, and charge them for everything.
Between 1964 and 1996, Republicans did not do anything to discourage illegitimate childbearing by women. They were quick to support liberal federal programs (advocated by the National Organization for Women) designed to establish maximum amounts of child support and to collect it.
Illegitimacy rates soared. Policies that destroyed the marriage market in lower income groups began dissolving middle-class marriages in the 1980’s. This cannot be blamed on men: three quarters of relationships are emotionally ended by the woman, and about three quarters of divorces are filed by women.
In 1994, Republicans took control of federal government, promising welfare reform and better lives for all Americans. They bought into David Blankenhorn’s dual communist messages: “father-absence is the greatest social problem we face” and “Today, the principle cause of fatherlessness is paternal choice”.
The result: Republicans blamed husbands for America’s problems of divorce and illegitimacy – when in fact they did not either advocate or cause it. In 1996, welfare was simply renamed “an advance on child support” in federal accounting records. The political problem of “welfare” instantly became a giant “deadbeat dad” problem. Unrecoverable welfare collections magically became unrecoverable child support, without changing the associated deficit spending.
Blankenhorn’s widely-publicized screed fatally poisoned the nascent Promise Keepers marriage movement. Promise Keepers collapsed immediately after Bill McCartney blamed divorce and most of our national problems on men in his 1997 Policy Review article “Promise Makers”.
In the past decade of Republican control, social data has not improved. Divorce and illegitimacy are still rampant. In St. Louis, illegitimacy has increased: 70% of black children are now born out of wedlock. Republican policy has turned a welfare problem into a social pandemic of historic proportion.

Conservatives still do not have good answers. Most are still living in the problem, bemoaning the state of marriage or pontificating about its importance without taking any effective policy action to correct the problem.
Put yourself in the shoes of the poor and the suffering before you make judgment on them, neocon.

Your party doesn't have the capability to do that. Your party cringes when the minimum wage is increased from $5.15 to $7.25 because you have no idea what it feels like to have to work a whole day just to fill the gas tank! You call it greed when the poor asks for a raise........but you have no problem dolling out BILLIONS to the wealthy, don't you? YOU'RE THE HATEFUL PARTY.

After birth is when the REAL HATING BEGINS WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. As long as one is a clump of cells, the republican party will love you......grow up to be pushed out of the womb and then start breathing on your own.....THEY HATE YOUR GUTS!!!!!!!!

The republican party is the weirdest party in our nation right now and Americans are starting to see that too.
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