Sunday, July 30, 2006


Who will the Fascists detain when Martial Law sets in?

Right after 9/11, the Patriot Act was voted on and became law. I always thought it was interesting that this 300+ page document could be hashed out so quickly by a nation who was still horrified by the images of 9/11/01. Well, since that time I've come to believe that the Patriot Act was created during the 1990's by the PNACers, many of which are in our current government! So, with that in mind, I've been stating for years now online that this Act gives way too much power to our government. It allows government officials to label ANYONE an 'enemy combatant' and it is a dangerous slippery slope if you ask me. Why? Because this is an Administration who has redefined the Constitution and the laws of this country in the most inappropriate way! Even the word 'torture' didn't get a definition from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (he basically said that as long as the torture technique doesn't cause organ failure anything goes!).
Who will be an 'enemy combatant' to the Bush Cartel? Will it be anyone who speaks out against Bush which gives the impression that the speaker is on the side of the terrorists for doing so? Will it be the guy whose neighbor called the FBI out of retaliation for him whistling at his wife or for not paying back the money that is owed to him? Will it be the couple who is on the phone while the government is listening in who say to one another, "Can you pick up the yellow cake at the bakery for the wedding this Saturday?", and the government thinks the couple is planning an attack because of the words 'yellow cake' and 'wedding' (two of the hijackers before 9/11 were heard by Michael Hayden of the CIA saying that the 'big wedding is tomorrow') were used? Huh?
We can't trust the government to identify Americans as 'enemy combatants' because they've proven to us over and over that they can't be trusted to do even the simplest things, such as respecting the laws in our country. With over 750 signing statements issued by Bush to ignore the laws of our country, how can we trust these assholes to carefully determine who is a TRUE enemy combatant and who is not? I can't. When Martial Law sets in before the 2008 election to continue Bush's Evil Agenda to destroy America (the repukes in the Congress have tried for years to make it legal for him and all future presidents to have a 3rd term and this is how they'll do it!), Bush will use this years new "Terror Detainee Bill" to achieve it. This Bill is very similiar to what the Patriot Act provides: the government can come into your home to do a sneak and peek, they can then kidnap you from your home and bring you to a secret location where they can torture you, where you will have absolutely no legal action against this and where you will be unable to contact your attorney to protect yourself! The government after they've labeled you an 'enemy combatant' can also then hold you indefinately for years and years and years. Your family in some cases will have no idea where you've disappeared to either.
Does this sound like the America we grew up with? Or is this truly our country changing before our eyes for the worse?

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