Saturday, August 12, 2006


55% of Americans thinks Bush is doing good job on protecting the homeland

Well now, isn't that interesting. This percentage rate for Bush has risen 11% since May of this year and there is an election coming up in a few months. Oh what timing right wing Reuters has to release this now! At this rate, by November, Bush will have an 85% approval rating for his "exceptional" tackling of homeland security! I wonder if the Americans polled (if the poll is accurate of course) knew at the time that the Bush Regime was defunding bomb detection while Bush was pretending to be a hero in the British plot by Pakistani nationalists by acting like he was the one who did all the leg work to stop the plot!
I'm sure no one who had their lipstick confiscated at the airport recently was part of this poll either!
Like I've been saying for quite some time now, the only way the criminal republicans can actually steal an election is if Bush's poll numbers are beyond 50%, because if you think about it, there is no way they could get away with stealing an election if Bush's approval ratings are all below 30% and then his party members win by a landslide in the election! His approval numbers have to be somewhere in the mid-area for the republicans to be able to state that they didn't steal it, but rather, "it was just a close election". It's the only way they can get away with it (oh yes, and it makes sense to have control of all levels of government too so no one will look into it!).
With this in mind, I find it fascinating that Reuters (they're pro-Bush most of the time....when they should just be a catch all news outlet and non-partisan!) is releasing this poll now. Looks like the Bush Pundits are gearing up for another election coup. They're scared of a loss for sure and there is no other way they could win at this point without stealing another election!

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