Sunday, August 13, 2006


"As Lieberman goes, so should go Snowe"

This title is in reference to Maine's republican Senator, Olympia Snowe. Many of us Mainers are tired of Snowe's alliance with the Bush Regime policies and I, for one, am hoping that Jean Hay Bright, who is the democratic candidate in November, gets elected this year to replace her! Most incumbants are now being viewed as a hinderance to peace and progression in our country and across the world and because of that will be voted out this November. Joe Lieberman was the first to go and Cynthia McKinney was also ousted too (though her 'firing' had more to do with her recent behavior with White House Security. If she had apologized and took responsibility right off the bat, I think she would have stayed in.).
Americans are wanting change and it's my hope that Mainers will overwhelmingly vote for that this year!
Olympia Snowe is a tough one to beat, however, because she has been much loved by both parties in our state for years now. (I've voted for her every single time she has run since I registered myself as a democrat back in 1986 and she almost always wins with 70% of the vote) I'm not scared to not vote for her, though some here in Maine might feel uncomfortable not doing so.
I have a hand made sign on the back of my car window that states: BUSH STINKS, WAR STINKS, OLYMPIA STINKS. I've gotten many beeps because of that sign and I find it encouraging.
Wouldn't it be absolutely amazing if Olympia is ousted by a complete unknown and she never saw it coming and didn't prepare for it? I think so! Let's hope this November proves to be the election that turns our country around and slaps the republicans in our country right across the face!

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