Sunday, August 20, 2006


Bush can take his surveillance program and shove it up...

...his ass. A judge has ruled that his NSA surveillance program is un-Constitutional and it must stop immediately. I agree, but Bush doesn't. Nope, he thinks he is the King of America and won't listen to what the court has to say. He and his criminals in the Justice Department are now appealing the judge's ruling and at some point it will go to the right wing US Supreme Court to make the final ruling. When it gets there, let's hope Justice Kennedy is holding a copy of the constitution and Bill of Rights in his hand when he is forming his opinion.
A Constitutional crisis would not be happening today if Bush back in early 2001 (yes, he was spying on Americans way before 9/11/01 and this is why many are outraged because he keeps saying it's part of the 'waronterra') had instructed his minions below him to go to the FISA Court first to obtain warrants to keep the surveillance in check with the American people (who pay the salaries of the people doing this, I may add). This Court is set up to cater to the needs of our government...not the opposite. There's only been a handful of times where the Court would not allow the government to spy and warrants weren't issued. Thousands and thousands of times FISA has given a green light to all Administrations since 1978 when it was originally set up to do what they need to do to protect us. But this system came to a halt under the Bush Regime. These assholes didn't want no court telling them that they could or could not do what they wanted to do. So, instead of going to the Congress to ask for more time to obtain warrants (I think they did last year but they are still spying without warrants despite it!) to make everything they're doing legal, they've instead gone behind the backs of Americans and continued to break the laws of our nation!!!
Bush and his supporters keep saying that what they're doing is legal, but yet, they can't prove it to the American people because there is no paper trail! If right from the start, Bush and his Regime were spying LEGALLY, obtaining warrants and permission would have been a breeze for them and this discussion today wouldn't be plaguing the Regime. They've been criminally spying on Americans from early 2001 and having no paper trail of their activity was key to their survival! 9/11/01, which we all remember was a day that the Regime used to cross out the rights of Americans and a day that they've continually used to 'convince' Americans that illegal activity by the Executive Branch is key to our protection, will go down as the turning point of American government. It's a day when the republicans in our government decided to make America into an authoritarian dictatorship and when democracy choked and died at the hands of these bastards.
I spit on Bush and his Regime. Bush can take his surveillance program and shove it up his ass. Maybe by shoving it up his ass, Americans can get the transparency that we've been waiting for!!!!!!!!!!

Bush will not stop spying on Americans. It doesn't matter how many courts tell him no, he will not stop.

Has Bush done anything by the law in the nearly 6 years he has been in office?

Has Bush ever cared what any court said ( except the one who gave him the presidency)?

Bush is a self imposed emperor and the Congress and Senate by their silence, are his minions.
I'll never forget Gen. Michael Hayden, who now heads the CIA, saying that he heard two of the hijackers on SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 saying to each other "The match begins tomorrow" and "Tomorrow is zero hour", but yet, Gen. Hayden didn't stop the 9/11 terror attack.

See Larry? It doesn't matter if they're listening or not...because listening in doesn't guarantee a thwart of an attack.

You know and I know that Bush and his minions have been spying on the democrats and others who don't agree with their Evil plans. This is why there is no paper trail. What they're doing is illegal and they know it.

I spit on them!!!!
How do you propose we defend ourselves against terrorists? Seriously, what specific plan does the left have other than "whatever the GOP suggests is wrong"?

If you shot Bush and all his 'minions' tomorrow, seized control of government and got all your domestic issues - from federalized health care to Kyoto treaty mandates ram-rodded through Congress, to a Gay Marriage Amendement and federalized payment for abortions.... to the outlawing of the Catholic Church... how would any of this or all of this magically 'solve' terrorism and the other world problems we face?

How does raising the minimum wage stop Iranian nukes?

How does improved environments in North America solve horrific pollution going on in China, India, and Russia?

How will increased spending on 'education' or 'healthcare' or 'the environment' improve our national security from people who wish us harm?

If the Democrats HAD A PLAN I'd be open to listening and even agreeing...but all you have are complaints, anger, and hatred for Bush.

If he's so dumb, what's YOUR SIDE'S ALTERNATIVE PLAN?
Why is Bush so concerned about spying on innocent Americans?

Its because like in Hitler's day, they want to know every move of those who may disagree.

Are all 240 million Americans terrorist?

Are all 240 million Americans plotting the overthrow of the US government?

Are all 240 million million Americans allied with Islam?

By spying on innocent Americans, that is what Bush is saying.

Maybe the real number that Bush fears is the 220 million Americans who now oppose his war and his presidency.
Wanting to get out of Iraq does not mean that we want to stop the war on terror, it means that we want to get out of a war that never should have happened, is illegal and is breeding more hate for America. Stop twisting words!The war should be going on in Afghanistan and Syria who have been breeding the terrorists for years. Terrorists have been around longer than this war in Iraq has lasted, why didn't we start then? (70's and 80's) Bush/Cheney/Rummy created 9/11 to instill fear in us to get the military funding they needed to take over mid-east oil. Bush wants to stay in Iraq until his bases are built so he can go after Iran next.

How is using a baseball bat against the Middle East beehive making us safer? It's not! Spying on Americans is not making us safer either. If we give up our rights to be safe, wait until we want them back! Good luck! I refuse to give up my rights to a bunch of Christofascists who are hell bent on destroying America and who are spying on US instead of the terrorists!

Neocons are cowards and would give up all their rights in a heartbeat just to feel safe. They hate the idea of putting money into securing our borders, coastlines, harbors, and transportation sector, and they also hate the idea of going by the Consitution and the laws of this country!

Neocons also can't admit that the 1990's were 3,000 times better than the years under Bush. Bush and his minions have destroyed the balance in our government and it shows!

HERE'S MY PLAN: Get a fucking warrant to spy so there is a fucking paper trail so Americans will know that the fucking Admin IS INDEED ON THE UP AND UP AND IS WORKING DILIGENTLY TO PROTECT US!

That's my plan and that has always been the plan of the American forefathers too. Not now, however. Now we have TRAITORS running the country who hate the fucking rules, laws, and regulations in our country! They want a nation where there are no rules so they can do what they want!!!!!!! Traitors! Criminals!!!
Anonymous said...

How do you propose we defend ourselves against terrorists?

Like the Brits did in foiling the airline liquid bomb plot, which the US hampered them on.

Seriously, what specific plan does the left have other than "whatever the GOP suggests is wrong"?

Well if the shoe fits..........

If you shot Bush and all his 'minions' tomorrow,

Not the progressive approach son....we would prefer to bring charges for the laws they violated and give then some "new" government accommodations, just not the 5 star ones they have now.

seized control of government and got all your domestic issues - from federalized health care

you mean care about the welfare of the people in the country you "claim to serve?"

to Kyoto treaty mandates ram-roded through Congress,

that is kind of funny given the "hammers" usual tactics when he was aiding the repugs in their corrupt and illegal activities,

but Kyoto is one place to start to do two things.

1) Work on the very real problem of global and GM are basically going belly up slowly...they close plants and lay off workers , they keep this up their cars and trucks will be IMPORTS, thus if we use the Kyoto treaty to reform the US auto industry and demand ALL imports have the same standard we can re-equalise the playing field a bit..and maybe revive the US auto industry.

2) Remove the financial wealth fromn some of the terrorists who get their funding from the leadership of middle east countrieswho get it from the US and western societies when we buy their oil. Believe me the Saudis will not give terrorists money if it cuts into their life style....and if we are no longer in the region and not giving them so much money, they will both have to change their game plan....the saudis by developing a rreal modern society, and the terrorists finding a s=new way to attack those they actually wish to topple, Osama really wants Saudi Arabia so he can control the holy cities and sites...and the US with it's treaty with the House of saud and the troops we stationed inside the kingdom, stand in his way....

to a Gay Marriage Amendment

we do not need a pro gay marriage amendment, it is you mooks who wanted a discriminatory anti-gay marriage amendment putting discrimination back into the constitution which the 13th amendment took out.

and federalized payment for abortions....

Well son that is a choice for the mother not you or me.....

to the outlawing of the Catholic Church...

NOW you being simply STUPID

how would any of this or all of this magically 'solve' terrorism and the other world problems we face?

well if we wean ourselves off our addiction to oil, it would do two things

1 remove our insane desire to control the middle east..which enrages many of their people who live there, and causes some to attempt to attack the US

2 it would also have the secondary effect to lower the money flowing into the region, which would lower the financial ability for countries like the Saudis to covertly fund the terrorists

How does raising the minimum wage stop Iranian nukes?

It does not , are you so stupid as to think that?

Raising the minimum wage makes it easier for the poorest workers in this country to pay the cost of living here, and allows them and their families to have a better standard of living.

Stopping the nukes might actually require Georgie, Condi, and Johnny Bolton to actually talk to the Iranians and seek an understanding as to what they want and what we are willing to do, something IRAN offered in 2002-03, when BUSH ignored them just as he ignores Osama( you know the guy Bush forgot) today.

How does improved environments in North America solve horrific pollution going on in China, India, and Russia?

We contribute less..and work with the others to do the same...HIGH pollution standards require the auto makers to make a less or non polluting auto. working with in Kyoto could aid us in this goal.

How will increased spending on 'education'

Better educated people are better at solving problems...something Roosevelt understood when he helped create the GI bill which educated the returning vets of WW2 which was a great contributor of the boom of the late 40's thru the early 60's

or 'health care'

If the US government worked health care as an entitlement not a capital investment tool we would be healthier, and could remove that burden from the backs of US companies..further leveling the industrial playing field which gives the US firms a better chance at competing

or 'the environment'

Better health, better use of resources..because green resources are not as easily manipulated by multinational companies and nation states for their benefit. and if we could unplug from the world oil addiction we would have a much different foreign policy which would remove the US from the top of the list of the terrorists and place the US supported corrupt governments in the region the necessary impetuous to chance modify their internal repressive regimes and either make life better for their people or perish, just as the eastern European repressive communists regime's did as the Soviets could no longer uphold them.

improve our national security from people who wish us harm?

See above.

If the Democrats HAD A PLAN

See above ....

I'd be open to listening and even agreeing...

proly not, but as I gave you the benefit of the doubt, see above.

but all you have are complaints,



Being lied into a optional war that was incompetently run for years with over 2600 US soldiers killed and almost 20,000 wounded does make some people with it....we have to deal with the incompetence and mismanagement of Bush and his lies spin and just plain STUPIDITY like the G-8 summit

and hatred for Bush.

Not hatred son, contempt for his total lack of humanity or Christianity as JESUS preached.

If he's so dumb,

Well son that is not really an issue that is in doubt by the vast majority of humanity on this planet is it now?


See above, you won't like it but it is a start which WILL work, because we can not bomb 1.4 billion people into submission, and do kind of have to let THEM decide what they want in the countries they live in, you know democracy which Bush claims to be exporting while dismantling here.
Goddamn clif!
I'll vote for you for 2008!
Very well put... :)

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