Saturday, August 05, 2006


Here's a thought...

Lebanon is claiming that 900 people have been killed by Israel as Israel bombs the country in retaliation of Hezbollah capturing two of their soldiers. What if......(what if!)....the two Israeli soldiers are being well-cared for while in the hands of Hezbollah? How is the world going to react when it is found out that the group of thugs known as Hezbollah treated the Israeli soldiers with dignity while Israel killed and massacred the Lebanese people for the return of these two soldiers? I have no evidence that Hezbollah is not torturing the two soldiers, but after reading the article above about one family affected by Israel's bombing campaign, I couldn't help but wonder. I think the world will be outraged if this is the case, and because the U.S. is backing Israel and because Bush has allowed the torture of many Iraqis from his illegal occupation in Iraq, the reaction is not going to be pretty. This is why myself and others have been so upset with Bush's war in Iraq. America is supposed to be the example to the world and it's very upsetting that our reputation will be tarnished again because we (and our "peaceful allies") ended up behaving worse than the terrorists.

We have no reputation to be tarnished again. Our reputation is gone, warped beyond repair.
You're not kidding Hill! It's a shame what George "Wiretap" Bush has done to it. The fact that we are torturing people in our own name is sad indeed. Can we blame the terrorists for their actions? At this ponit, both are to blame! We are no better than the terrorists at times and it really upsets me. Shameful.
"We are no better than the terrorists at times" Oh right because we saw innocent civilian's heads off and brag about it?

And we purposely target crowds of civilians for our bombs too....?

This is liberal projection - you so desperately hate Bush you want to believe that American soldiers intentionally TRY to kill civilians as a matter of policy...

If you can't distinguish accidental homicide from premeditated murder then you're more clueless than I imagined.

Terrorists are the ones responsible for 99% of all civilian deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq and they're the ones shooting rockets at CITIES as opposed to military bases or soldiers. We don't carpet bomb civilians, so we're not "just like terrorists".

You so desperately want us to be wrong you're willing to acccept without evidence the propaganda claims of the terrorists that they're "freedom fighters" when it's not freedom that they're fighting for!
Why were heads being taken off? Was that before the illegal invasion of Iraq or after? You know the answer!!!!!!! Bush put our troops and everyone else in harm's way when he decided to invade and occupy a sovereign country to line the pockets of corporate whores.

We don't carpet bomb civilians? Vietnam ring a bell? How bout WWII? And what about the use of depleted uraniam and white phosphorus being used by us in Iraq and now in Lebanon (we gave Israel these bombs to use)? Huh? You think America is innocent in our actions all the time and we never ever ever do the wrong thing in the name of humanity? Wrong pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the 14 year old girl raped by our soldiers then murdered along with her family in Iraq? Huh? What about Haditha? Of course the military is going to say that our soldiers were following the laws of the military, but nonetheless, 3 GENERATIONS OF FAMILY WAS MURDERED BECAUSE ONE OF OUR SOLDIERS WAS KILLED!!!!! Was that nice to you neocons? Proud of that?

YOUR PARTY IS WRONG BECAUSE YOU'RE WRONG ON EVERYTHING!!!!!! You don't need me to help you along with that. If your party was doing a great job right now, it's approval rating would be close to 70%, but it's not.

Americans are tired of YOUR GROUP OF FASCIST PIGS!!!!!!!!
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