Wednesday, August 02, 2006


How will Rick Santorum win in November?

Oh, that's right. He won't actually win honestly. He'll just resort to old republican tricks by supporting the Green Party candidate in the election (he the article above) and spend lots of money on advertising so voters will waste their vote on this candidate and it will give Santorum a good chance at winning!
Yup, it's official. No republican can win an election honestly. They can't. They are the party of fraud, corruption, lying, deceiving. The End.

Kay ricky proably would give the devil a blowjob on the capitol steps if he though it would get him re-elected
Exactly Clif. The republicans are the 'original deal' made with the Devil!!!!! They were put on this planet to reek havoc. :-)
Hmmmm...Let's see... Lincoln helped start the Republican party back when it was about saving the Union and ending slavery. Democrats meanwhile were the party of slavery and then segregation from 1870 to 1960.

The 1964 civil rights act passed Congress with a MAJORITY of Republicans and a MINORITY of democrats, but the dems got the credit because LBJ signed it into law....
And it has reversed again neocon! Get over it!

Your party now represents killing, lying, war profiteering, stealing, lying, killing, fake wars, using God to complete your Evil Agenda, turning America into a dictatorship, and creating government so big that it will pop!

If I'm wrong about you republicans, please list out in detail what your party now stands for so we can all point and laugh.

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