Sunday, August 06, 2006


I swear this happened tonight...

I found this article above that says Bush has read 20 books this year. I said to my son, "Hey Zach. Do you believe that Bush has read 20 books this year?", and he said back, "Yes Mom, comic books and vacation brochures!". LOL The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree in my house.

Your son is brilliant! The children will lead,right? Come on, Bush can't even read a teleprompter without stumbling and stuttering and sounding like an idiot.
LOL Hill! My son is one brilliant and rational kid for sure! I'll never forget the day we were in a Wal-Mart and we were going through the check out and he said, "Hey Mom, look, it's dummy". He was pointing at a picture of Bush on the cover of a magazine! I laughed out loud too and turned to see that most of the redneck patrons were not happy with our conversation. :-)
I don't think Bush could read 20 comic books.

You see, they have an actual storyline, therefore, he never actually read them. (It would be much, much too hard for him to follow along, you see.)

He just skimmed over the pretty pictures.

--Weasel, imagines Bush saying, "Ooooh, that Rogue looks good in her tights!" while skimming an X-Men title.
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